University of Toledo Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Toledo know before they start?


When I started the transition process from my small town into Toledo, I thought I would have a typical high school to college transition. I had abandoned what my heart wanted and went with the school that was the most practical, but I didn't know that just because something is more practical doesn't mean that it is the right thing for me. I went to college two hours away from my family and three hours away from my best friend, and I realized that being with the people that I care about is what makes me happy. I am actually in the process of transferring to another college so I can be closer to the people that matter to me. Looking back on the past six months, I would tell myself to remember what matters and who matters. I can get a degree almost anywhere, but I need to be with the people that I love more than anything.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself that I need to develop better study habbits. At the beginning of December I started studying for finals. In high school I really never needed to study to achieve my good grades. I struggled through learning how to study for such important tests. I would also tell myself to become more independent. I am a commuter so I drive 40 minutes to school and back. While at high school a teacher was almost always watching you. At college I am on my own, besides my friends.


If I could give my high school self advice, it would be to hang in there. High school was a very dark place for me and I would like to be able to go back and say that everything turns out just fine and that things get better. I would want to tell myself that I make better friends that support me in all of my endeavors and actually make me want to see them every day. I would say that you won't always think this poorly of yourself, that you actually do start thinking positively about your appearance and even praising yourself when you look in the mirror. College is a lot easier and so much better than I ever imagined it would be and it really is a blessing in disguise.


College, is wayyyy cooler than people make it sound.


Accept challenges and seek adventures. There will be many mistakes to be made but don't feel guilty or unworthy of a beautiful life. Embrace all the experiences and accept yourself. Be yourself: the good, the bad. Don't be too hard on yourself for not being good enough. There is no such thing as "good enough." There is only you and your beautiful self, let it shine through you. Don't hold back. Please don't hold back out of fear. You are naturally a brave, courageous soul, fight through your fears and insecurity from within and allow your true self to be free.


I would start off by telling myself to not look down on myself and to go for it now. Life only gets harder and it does become more difficult to go back to school. Life happens and I believe that things happen for a reason but if I could try to make life easier for myself I would push myself to sign up and not worry so much about finding that job and start worrying about the rest of my life. If I can do it after 15 years of not attending school and get A's and B's and having the heartbreak over losing a job that woke me u to finally enroll, I should have no issues right out high school getting all A's. The biggest part is that I can enroll online and still work. In the 15 years that I lost just working I could have had several degrees and could have been in my dream career instead I am struggling trying to make the bills because I am in school and raising a family. It is time to wake up and never give up on my dreams.


The advice I would give my high school self is take high school very seriously. What the school counselors and teachers are telling you is exactly what college will be. So listen to their advice. Also be mindful about possibly taking some AP classes as well, they would really come in handy in college. And while at it be sure to learn some basic skills while you have the time. Some of them such as quick yet a healthy meal for yourself, weekly laundry, money management. On an ending note the last thing I would say to myself is the time is money . So while you have the time in high school try to get a part time job but please please please start saving some money while you can. Every little bit helps even if it's $10 a week.


The advice I would give my high school self would be to attend college now. Do not wait until you are older because life gets in the way. Talk to someone in the financial aid office they are experts at finding a way to help you cover the cost of tuition. High School is vastly different than college. The classes are more focused and the teacher actually know what they are talking about. The one thing I woulc caution is that you have to be able to study and not get by with just listening. Past self, you can do it. Just try!


I would tell myself that it is better to go for what you wanted to go for in the first place. I would also tell myself to choose the school that has the better reputation, even if it has a year long waiting list for the admission to the program you want. Waiting a year for quality programming, resources, advisors and teachers is better than taking what you can get right away, just because you can.


Know your strength would be my main advice to my high school self. As of now, I know that I am a lot stronger than I make myself off to be. Going through certain situations in college and having to adjust to certain circumstances will test your strength and your faith and knowing that you are strong in both of those areas will allow you to get through so much. Being strong and confident in youself pushes you to do so much more because you are now relying on your own strength and that itself is amazing. I am aware that in high school there were plenty of things that I should have done, but did not do because of my fears and not believing in myself as much as I do now. There were times when I allowed myself to feel weak because I was afraid. All in all I would tell myself that you are strong even when you feel weak and to never let another individual tell you otherwise. Keep your head held high because as a young queen you never want your crown to fall. Know your strength.