Hey, kid. Buck up. It turns out, life is a painful adventure, not a comfortable nap. Independence comes from building your own life and taking on responsibilities - you don't have to be helpless and angry. So let go of that craving for comfort. Take poverty seriously - read business books, start building assets now, and don't ever go into debt for something that won't generate income. You can do better with people. You don't have as much time left with your parents as you think. It will be easy to forgive and give thanks for them after they're gone, but better now. While you don't need to give yourself away in chunks, you do need dating experience with respectful people. You will find love when you have made yourself ready for love. Abandon your fatalism. Struggling is better, even though it hurts, than curling up and accepting the shape in which you find your life. Fight back against the memories of bullying and abuse and don't let them define you. Don't be afraid to call the police. Avoid violent people and don't accept their vison of truth, humanity, love, God, or you.
If I could go back in time to my senior year, I would tell my self that im about to enter into the adult world and mom and dad are not going to be able to hold my hand any more. I would have started having a mind set to were that it was about business. Getting ready for college, not playing around, and expecting things to be handed to me. I would have started cutting friends off that I realize now that is no good to me and my success. I would have prepared more for the obstacles that are faced in front of me in college.
to do better so my gpa coming in to collage would have been better even though i got it up to a 3.6 after my first semester
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would first say that it's okay to have fun and go out with friends every once in a while (just don't over-do it)! How do you know that you've over-done it? When you have class early the next morning, but you end up sleeping right through the alarm and all other efforts to wake up! THAT'S how you know. You want to stay ahead of the game and you can't do that sleeping!
Also, please make sure you surround yourself with positive students who are serious about their education just as much as you are about yours. You don't want to hang out with those who are there just for the party scene. Those who are goal-oriented and positive can really help you in those times when you become discouraged and/or are ready to throw in the towel and go home.
Finally, don't fret if you haven't picked a major, seek guidance. College is all about exploration. Just make sure you enjoy the journey. Finish strong!
I would tell myself to take the ACT test very seriously and also apply for as many scholarships as I can. I would also tell myself to take soccer seriously because when I was in High School I tend to think "too big" of myself but since starting college, i've realized that if i took it seriously i would have had an athlete scholarship but i'm putting my faith and trust in God.
i would have appled for scholarships.
Do not stress or worry about things that are out of your conrol. I encountered many difficult situations throughout high school that were out of my control, but I thought I could take them into my own hands and fix them. For example, my parents got divorced when I was in 8th grade, and my family and I went through a 5 year custody battle between my parents. There was absolutely nothing that I could have done to change the fact that they didn't get along. I spent countless nights worrying over what I could do to make the situation better and it took me a long time to realize that there is nothing I could do to fix the situation, but to just love my parents equally and not take sides. I also had a boyfriend for 2 years during high school, and he decided to go to college across the country. I was being selfish and thought that if he really liked me he would have gone to school where I did. I was too immature to realize that he was doing what was best for him. It's my turn to do what's best.
The best advice I could give the 16 year old me or any other incoming freshman is to get connected with a good church as soon as possible. Your fatih will take you places and out of places that nothing else can. Trust in God and not people. Learn from your mistakes and the people who may disappoint you. Don't let any negativity weigh you down. Fight for your own happiness, stay focused and remember the reason why you came to college in the first place. You are here to become educated and improve the quality of your life. There will be lots of people trying to infiltrate your life, some of which you can welcome, others of which you should turn away. All in all, just remeber who you are and actively seek your purpose through prayer. Make sure that whatever you choose to major in falls in line with what you feel you have been called to do by God and if you're not yet sure, ask Him. Try some things out. Explore the campus and activities. Make the most of this 4 years because it is going to go a lot faster than you think.
I would tell myself to put forth more effort. I was always one to succeed without trying my best. College is harder than high school and you need to learn the proper ways to study in high school, so that college is not such a shocker. Take the harder courses, even though you already have a heavy schedule on your shoulders. Remember what does not kill you, only makes you stronger. Even though your number nine in your class without trying, imagine if you put forth a little more effort, you could exceed the top five. Do not just do things to make other people proud of you, make sure that your doing exactly what you want. Take courses that will make you think a little harder, even though you could take courses that are just a breeze. What exactly do you learn from those easy classes? Will they help you in your future? Remeber what you do today, will affect you in your fututre.
Get involved! There are so many opportunities that open up to you if you get involved with any activity. If I were a high school senior again, I would tell myself to become active in more than one organization and grab any opportunity you can to be in a leadership role. I didn't obtain a leadership role in an organization until my sophomore year of college , and I believe it would have been beneficial to start earlier in my college career. Leadership roles improve countless necessary skills for your future. Some of which include communication (written and oral), organzational skills, critical thinking skills, time managment, and manager-type skills like planning and delegation. Having a leadership role creates experiences that you can learn and grow from. They teach about yourself and how you respond in different situations. All of these skills and experiences have helped me answer interview questions and have been valuable during my current internship.