Virginia Commonwealth University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Virginia Commonwealth University know before they start?


I wish I could go back and enroll in classes that would help me graduate high school with an associates degree. Which would allow me to come into college as a junior and take advantage of other school activites coming into college.


I would give myself the advice that high school is an important time of your life. Once high school is over, the real responsibility begins, and the worries about money, education, and making a family will become the main concerns for you. I will tell myself not to worry about people befriending you or including you in their activities; those things are not as important as learning life skills to use in the workplace and in life. I will tell myself to focus more on school and studying, and to take my classes more seriously so that I can get into a good college and succeed. I will tell myself that it is important to enjoy high school, and to not take small things so seriously. There will be plenty of time to worry later on in life. I will tell myself that college is not some place to go and waste time, instead it is something to prepare for and succeed in so that I can get a good job and take care of my wife and my family. I would tell myself to be more of a go getter and to get my drivers license early on!


Dear high school Jamie, You've got a lot on your plate. Between dance and school, a social life isn't even an option anymore. Don't stress about that for a second. Who you are as a high school senior has no effect on who you are as a college freshman. Focus on school (and dance, of course), not on friends. Take the time out to apply for scholarships. A little time and effort can pay off (pun intended). Pay attention in classes! Grades are important, however, the knowledge you gain in class is what will pay off in college and in life! Do not fear the transition. You are already as strong and independent as you will ever be. Most importantly, keep dancing. Aside from the physical benefits of dancing (aka not gaining the freshman 15), a good, sweaty dance class will relieve your stress before your first big test. Be exactly who you are from the very moment you get to campus. They're going to love you, I promise. With love, -Your experienced, older self


If I could go back and meet myself, I'd be annoyed. My annoyance would come from my lax ways and pretentious attitude towards school. Back then, I never really tried. I stayed in honor classes, received straight As, and never ventured to anything more difficult. I thought that college would be easy, scholarship applications wouldn't be challenging, and community college would be a repeat of high school. Boy, was I wrong. My first piece of advice, former self, is to be more Socratic. I'd tell you that you didn't know everything then and I still don't know everything now. I'd teach you how to study since you seldom did and that stress you felt during finals is nothing compared to college finals. I would remind you that things are easier in high school because a school year's worth of information isn't compacted into eighteen weeks. I wish you found the passion to succeed and to place yourself in more demanding classes. Now, I am passionate but I have to reprogram my academic habits because of the lack of them in high school. I'd tell you that in college, life is better.


Kristina, this is your future self. I know that you are currently choosing the college you want to attend. I just want to let you know that Virginia Commonwealth University is a good choice and you will enjoy it very much. Choose your major as chemistry and choose a pre-dental track. Do not be discouraged by the people who do not believe in you such as some members in your family. You are a smart and capable girl that some others are jealous of. You will be able to take all the classes and understand the material. However, do not listen to the advisors as well. Look at the university's worksheets for chemistry and plan the next four years of class schedules. Join a sorority, keep volunteering, and keep participating in clubs. Also, start applying to scholarships and financial aid so that you do not need to skip a year. Finally, times have been tough and you have been forced to make some hard decisions. I want to let you know that college is a happy place where you can be yourself. Nothing can hold you back if you believe in yourself and follow the desire you have.


Looking back at my senior year of high school I could focus on either one of two things. I could dwell on all of the mistakes I've made, or I could focus on where exactly those mistakes have gotten me and what I have learned along this journey. My biggest piece of advice I would give myself would be not to rush through anything and to do my absolute best with any given opprotunity because the decisions you make now will effect you in the future. I would look myself in the eyes and tell my prior self what is truly important. Whether I would like to admit it or not, I would advise my self to limit the amount of time that I spent with my friends and going out on the weekend, so I could focus more on my dual credit and AP classes. Beginning college has made me realize that there is more to life than sleeping all day and staying up all night. Life is about fufilling one's dream and doing what is necessary to get there.


If I could give myself advice. I would tell myself to spend more time reading books so that it's easier to do the homework in college.


If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to create goals. I believe creating goals will help students become successful in college. Goals are blueprints of actions that lead to accomplishments in short or large periods of time. They motivate students to achieve success. Students can refer to these goals for encouragement when they are struggling or at any point during their college career. Before I began college, I created goals to guide me in my journey through college. I will be using my goals to help me pursue my dream of becoming a high school math teacher. One personal goal I created for myself is to make my community proud. I want to demonstrate to my community that Latinos can become successful. I want to become a role model for other Latinos so that they can pursue their dreams.


I would tell myself that the first year of college is going to be the most wonderful time of your life, but at the same time dont let your main goal come out of focus. The main reason you are at college is to make good grades and get a good job one day. Just focus on getting As and do the best you can. There will be plenty of girls after you get a job, dont let relationships become a distraction and dont socialize so much.


Choosingclasses at my jounoir class woul d have been a little bit diferent. I would have gotten tested for learning disability sooner, that would have helped me with picking classes and graduating sooner.