Considering that I have yet to start the Fall semester at VCU, I have learned quite a lot during these few summer months. My first word of advice may sound like a broken record, but do well in school. Some students may think that getting by with occasional B’s is alright, but in the end, those B’s will look like specks of dust on a perfect college application. If there is too much dust, the admissions committee will not be able to see the wonderful student that the person may be because they are blinded by imperfection. This does not, however, mean that you should not be involved in extracurricular activities and have hobbies, no. If those activities are good enough, they can shine – they can shine through all of those dust particles. Symbolically, this may sound very magical, but it really is the truth. Being able to find a balance between education, social life, and sleep is the key to success not only in school, but in life. Live each day to its greatest, but be prepared for tomorrow.
I would try harder in high school and learn everything youcan. not just to get better grades, but to prepare yourself for essay writing and how to sutdy efficently
"Do your homework! Study! Get involved in more community/extra curricular activities!" I was not the most active student when it came to participating in school functions, nor did I give 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of my effort in all my classes. When I felt like applying myself, I did a fantastic job, but when I did not care about the classes, I would blow off my work. Looking back on it now, I regret not putting every bit of effort into my school work. Although I was just outside the top 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of my high school class, I could have done so much better. I could have been involved in so much more. I would tell all of this to my high school self in hopes of achieving so much more in my four years of high school. Honor societies, scholastic bowl, other clubs - something besides just the band activities would have been fantastic. If only time machines were a reality... then I wouldn't be kicking myself now for my lack of determination.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that I should major in something where I will have an easier time finding a job and one that I will enjoy. I would tell myself to make sure I take all my general education classes before transferring, so I don't have to worry about taking them when I transfer to the University of my choice. I would also tell myself to find a part-time job as soon as I can, so that I have that experience when I go and apply for another job. Most part-time jobs are very flexible in the hours they give you because they know that you are also going to school and how important it is to have an education. The last thing I would tell myself is that going to a community college is a lot more affordable and the class sizes are smaller, which is nicer. Also, most of the classes at the community college are equivalent to the classes offered at the universities and they are easily transferrable.
I actually transitioned really well compared to most people, but I was not expecting the huge workload that I received upon entering college. If I could talk to my high school senior self, I would tell her that she needs to work harder in high school, if only just to get ready for college. I rarely studied or did much homework in high school, because I got straight A's despite it. It kind of set me back in college, though, because I didn't know how to study properly. I would also tell myself that I am doing well in art school, because in high school I had this fear that I would be a bad artist compared to the others at VCU because of the fact that I didn't take many art classes. As for advice, I'd tell myself to take art classes so that I could be better prepared. I would also tell myself to practice writing essays, because there are a lot that you have to write in college. Lastly, I would force myself to apply for scholarships in high school, since my dad lost his job the month I started my first semester.
High school relationships might not last through college. You both become a different person.
I will always try my best to be the best that I can be and you should too. I just finished my first year at Virginia Commonwealth University and currently have a 3.3 grade point average there. I am from a single parent home and I am the first person to go to college and further my education in my immediate family. I have always dreamed of becoming a nurse. Since, I was a young girl I have helped my grandmother with her insulin shots and testing her diabetes, anything I could do to lend a hand. I strongly believe a mind is a terrible thing to waste and college is the best way to explore your talents, so please go to college! My first year of college I learned so much academically and I have matured into an independent young woman. In this next upcoming year I plan on becoming very active in many clubs and organizations. I love my college Virginian Commonwealth University and plan to leave with a great impact and start a legacy.
High school is fertile ground for preparing yourself for the challenges and opportunities of postsecondary education. High school grades, activity involvement, class rank and awards and recognitions are all important factors in eligibility for college scholarships, admissions, and other opportunities following high school. Sometimes finding the right opportunities is half of the battle. There are abundant resources in high school and in college to experiment with career interests, learn more about career possibilities, and explore careers that you didn't even know existed. It's extremely important to take inventory of your talents, strengths and interests and explore careers that you will find fulfillment and joy in. A postsecondary course of study is of vital importance, as it will dictate many of your employment opportunities and many aspects of your future career path. I firmly believe that taking the time to explore and digest your options is imperative before beginning college. In doing so, you will not only be more likely to succeed because you can envision the end result - the result being the goal you want in the longterm - but also you'll be more motivated and focused to see it through to the end.
If I did go back into time, I would surely establish that college is not all about fun and games. The number one thing that I would try to embed into myself is the need to actually show up for classes. That I should think more seriously about what I want to do in life instead of waiting for an epiphany to come along to instruct me of my purpose. Other things that I would say is that time management is a must. I have to allow enough time inbetween one objective to another so that I won't be overwhelmed by how fast paced everything will become. And that the other management that I will have to control is my social life. That having fun once in a while is okay, but setting priority on my studies are more important. Friends are good to have, but their influences might be detrimental to reaching my professional goals. So try to find a college that is not too overpopulated with your highschool friends because sooner or later you'll be at each others throats.
If I could go back in time to myself as a high school senior, the advice I would give to myself would that whatever I could achieve in the time of my last year to achieve it. If I could learn as much extra knowledge from my teachers, then I should reach for it. If I could get extra knowledge for Physics, then go for it. I would tell myself to study as hard as I could possibly can so that I would be assured that I would have a good standing in college and scholarships and grants when I graduate from high school. The main point that I would stress to my high school self would be to learn as much as I could, because I wouldn't be able to get that kind of free tutelage from anywhere else and also I would have the time in my hands to accomplish all that I would have wanted to learn in high school before I would graduate.