The advice I would give myself would be to make time for studying. I need more time for studying so that I can truly flourish in educational and mental development that will allow me to be successful at my full potential.
If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, I’d tell myself that fate is uncontrollable and that I’m one resilient cookie. Tragically, I probably wouldn’t believe me.I was the kid who had it all – supportive family, a 3.8 GPA my first semester in college. Then things got horribly complicated.But by the end of April, my second semester, I stopped attending classes. Instead, I was trying to figure out how to die. Early May I was hospitalized and diagnosed with bipolar.When I was well enough to return to school, I fell into a wonderful routine. I was earning A’s and B’s and successfully managing my disease. In late March, after class, I was taken by gunpoint and raped.My parents brought me home to recover. When I returned to VCU, physically I was OK. Mentally I was still frightened. I was too scared to attend evening classes. My GPA dropped to 2.4. After all the challenges I’ve faced and survived, I owe it to myself to succeed, and I’d tell myself I will.
DO NOT WASTE TIME, GET INFORMATION AND DON'T BE AFRAID!! I've wasted many years of my life because I would postpone things and would not get the information about what could I do to keep up with my education. Moved back to the U.S when I was 20 and got my G.E.D when I was 21. Since then I have been in El Paso Community College for almost 5 years due to lack of money and I have to work. If I could go back in time, I would tell my 17-18 years old self to step up in the game, don't waste time and take opportunities when they appear!!
It's going to be very easy to lose focus as you begin this journey. There will be plenty of different things going on around you. Friends will be getting married, starting families, and moving away. You'll meet tons of new people and probably go through a broken down car or two. Be wary of new relationships because a broken heart can be a very big distraction. Then theres the money, trying to fund your way through college can be tough. The important thing to keep in mind is the task at hand, and the reward at the end of your journey. Eveything along the way may just be a bump in the road. Please remember that regardless of financial strife, and with a little sweat, a sense of humor, and perseverance we can truly become what we desire.
I would have applied to students with disability center.
If I could go back to talk to myself in my senior year in high school, I would highly advice myself to get involved and be more social. The acceptance to The VCU School of Nursing is crucial for my dream career to come true, and because of this, extracurricular activities are essential. It is beneficial to get a better feel of working with other people and getting out there, rather than just focusing on academics. In high school, I never took the chance to participate in activities that could have potentially helped me to create new networks and build a better profile. Now that I have finished my first year at Virginia Commonwealth University, I know how being involved can have so many positive aspects. It can not only help in college life, but involvement can also benefit as you go through life, because you will have so much experience that others may not have had.
I would advise myself to get college applications in as early as possible, in order to receive scholarships. I would also tell myself to fill out as many independent scholarship applications as possible. Additionally, I would advise myself to start off academically superior and to remain that way, rather than doing well and getting sidetracked later on. Overall, a focus on academics and funding, as well as information on how to balance the stress from those two would be my focal points. I would tell myself to handle stress by getting closer to God immediately because He will be the reason you finish strong. He will guide you through your undergrad experience and prepare you for what is to come in post graduate study.
You should go back and take college classes in high school you would have saved a lot of money. In addition to helping you figure out what you want to major in.
I would advise myself to have never gone on a Biology, Nursing, English track and to have from the start applied to the school of business.and stayed in Information Systems. To keep focused. To have not bought a house due to the economic times.
If i could go back in time I would tell myself three things. First, I would say to plan my school work better. Each night have a plan of what homework you are going to do each night. Secondly, which is most important, to never procrastinate with your work. Never wait last minute to start reading chapters of a book or start writing a paper. Thirdly, I know it is nerve racking meeting new people and wondering if you'll find good friends, but everyone is in the same position of trying to meet new people, so be outgoing.