Going to college is always different than what you would expect. For me, going to college has forced me to learn how to live on my own. I really enjoy having the freedom to do whatever I want, but the responsibility to make the right choices for me. You know how much of each activity you can do before things start to slide, such as grades or the work necessary for your major. College is all about learning to hold your own. No one is there to hold your hand through every bit of work. While most professors are there to help you, you are responsible for your own work and your own education. It's almost a transition between the comfort of highschool or your parents' house, and living out on your own, paying bills and buying your own food. It has been extremely important for me to learn how to live on my own, and it will help me in the future tremedously.
I can say with 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} confidence I could not be the person I am today without my college experience. Nothing gives you the opportunity to come into yourself the way college does. The professors I’ve grown close to haven’t just taught me facts and statistics; they’ve taught me values and ethics. My peers have shown me such character and wonder that if I don’t see them for 3 weeks or 30 years, time is a tiny distance for hearts to travel. I’m so sure of myself and my dreams that I know it’s not worth living if you aren’t sucking the very marrow out of life.
The value from college won’t be my degree or my debts. It will be the passion, the wisdom, and the drive that I’ve now got for the rest of my life. Like the clicking as you climb the first hill of a rollercoaster, all of this has just been building up to the drop. The really value will be in where the momentum takes me.
I have known for a long time that I want to be an artist. Going to Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts has given me confidence in my choice. Although I enjoyed subjects that I took in high school, the curriculum at VCU is more relevant to my future life as an artist. For instance, as an art student at VCU, I was exposed to new ideas and media in art that I had not previously experienced. My Honors Art Worlds trip to New York City, for example, allowed me to see some of the best contemporary art in the United States today, inspiring me to be more creative in my own art. New media taught included video production, animation, sound art, and mylar . My Honors Art History course gave me a new historical perspective on art, showing me where I currently stand within this massive field. VCU has also expanded my view of the world. I therefore plan to study abroad, not only to experience great art, but to also learn to better appreciate others. My college art experience has therefore been invaluable and will definitely help me to reach my full potential as a professional artist.
Every August, new high school graduates prepare for their transition into college. Anxious, nervous, and some frightened, these young adults begin a new stage in their lives, wondering what new experiences will come their way.
From high school to college, I would say the transition can either be as easy as pie, or quite difficult. The transition from high school classes to college classes for me, was a bit difficult. While it was easy for me to maintain my responsibility for my attendance in classes, it’s quite strenuous to think that failing one exam would have a tremendous impact on my overall grade. However, upholding my grades from high school to college has been an easy task. With my successful study habits from high school it has been easy to prepare for exams in college.
Living on campus has been a surprisingly easy transition. The easiest part of the transition to living on campus has been making new friends and relationships because every college student is focused on academics but is still concerned with having the time of their lives. I have also found that becoming involved in extracurricular activities on campus has made the transition to college easier.
College has provided the following skills: time management, negotiation skills, stress management, and interpersonal skills. This was an invaluable experience because it is the real world in a controlled, school setting.
My college experience has given me confidence that I never had before. I feel like I can conquer the world. I have developed strong friendships that will last a lifetime. I have learned how to manage my time, apply myself and stay determined. These are important tools that I value and will need for the rest of my life. Attending college is the best way to learn these values. This is the time where I learn not only educational skills but life skills that I will always need. Nothing in this world can prepare you for the world like college can! I am also acheiving my dream, which is becoming a registered nurse. College is giving me the opportunity to fullfill my lifelong dream. I have gotten so much out of my college experience and I hope to learn more and gain more as I continue my education!
Since coming to Virginia Commonwealth University, I have grown to greatly appreciate its diverse student body. Everyday you meet someone from another culture or background and it is truly a great experience. It has given me the chance to learn about other cultures from someone who is a part of it. That type of learning cannot be gained by reading a textbook. I feel it is valuable because when you step out into the real world after graduation in search of a job, it is important that you can work with all types of people in all types of situations. VCU definitely prepares its students for the future.
Attending college was perhaps one of the greatest choices I have ever made. College opened my eyes to new ways of looking at the world. I started attending my local community college when I was fifteen. I was struck from the beginning how open the culture was to new ideas and free expression. Going in I, like many people, thought I would learn a set a facts that may or may not be applicable to what I would do with my life. Instead I got something infinitely more valuable, I learned how to think. Even in my young age I was easily accepted by the community of learners and made several lasting friends. Those few years were some of best I have known. They have given me a solid foundation from which to lead my life. Looking forward I plan to return to college to continue my education further and inspire others to do the same.
the college experience i got was amazing. At first i was afriad because everthing was new and unknown. i didn't kno what was i suppose to do or to speak to. but thankfully the college kids who go there, help me alot and i was happy that they did or else i would have been lost. also the teahcers are pretty nice to, some are from university that i never knew teach here. they don't have this in high school so i was happy. lastly the campus im attending is really big and so crowded, but it was cool.
attending college is very valuable to me because i can go explore what the world and school have to offer me and which one i like. also explore my intrest to see if i like it or not. Its really nice to meet people there to beside meeting drug uses or all an above. but most importently, making my parents proud of me of making it to college, that makes it very valuable.
I believe that I have grown as a person by attending Virginia Commonwealth University. Not only was I able to be a part of the diversity within the campus, but I also was given the opportunity to live in the dorms on campus; therefore, I was able to enjoy the different aspects of the dorms life as well. I was able to meet various types of people who helped me to learn new things that I probably would have never been exposed to if I went somewhere else. Virginia Commonwealth University was always my type choice, mainly for it's nursing program, but also because I am a very open-minded person and I cherish diversity. VCU gave me diversity and beyond. It enlightened me to new people and new aspects of our society. I do not regret attending VCU, and I would not change my experience at all.