Virginia Commonwealth University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


That no financial help is available for out of state students!


I wish I had known all the scholarships I could apply for, wish I had better idea of what major I wanted to study.


I think that I am comfortable with what a knew up until I came to school, because the things that I wasn't aware of were taught to me as I went along.


It is safer than people say it is


I wish I would've know the tuition was going to go up so much each year


It would have been nice to know that on-campus housing after freshmen year was hard to obtain unless in a special program with the school.


Coming to VCU I wish I knew that transfer students get treated differently than non transfer students. I also wish I knew that it would be harder to make friends coming in as a transfer student rather than making the friends during freshman year. It's a hard transition coming from a two year school now attending a four year institution. I knew it was not going to be easy but I wish I would of found more people that I have things in common with.


That money is not just rewarded with receiving good grades. In order to continue with your education one has to dig deep for scholarshps. It is not wise to depend on academic or financial aid advisors alone, because your best interest may not always be at heart.


I wish I had known about all the different clubs and when they met. There is just so much to do at VCU. However, I did not know about them until much later, or I did not know when or where they met at. I would have loved to have been active member earlier on in the school year.


I wish I had talked to someone that had gone to college and told me the real pressure that was on you . I thought that college was going to be a peice of cake I didn't have to study for test in high school so I thought it was going to be the same way in college. I had to learnt he hard way but it was worth correcting my mistakes on my own.