I wish i had known that the local Quizno's used the school's meal plan, all of the first semester i wanted to get a sub but didn't have the money and didn't know i could use my meal plan for it.
I wish that I had known more about my major.
I wish I had known that there are no 24 hour restaurants. It would be nice to have somewhere close by for those long nights of studying.
I wish I had known more about the actual people behind the Pre-veterinary medicine program here at Virginia Commonwealth University because there is really no one to fund or to really advise it. I wish that one day I will be able to come back to VCU and hopefully start a real Pre-Veterinary Medicine program with advisers.
I wish I had known about the bonds you make with classmates and how strong those friendships are. I have made amazing and probably life-long friends that i will never forget
Dont screw things up from the start
Even though I am a student first , I have also collected a reasonable amount of bills that still need my immediate attention from time to time. Balancing academics with a work schedule has become a daunting task. Finding employment on campus grounds is nearly impossible, with t he economy like it is . Virginia Commonwealth is/has currently laid off about 260 employees including faculty, staff, and working students. Majority of students employment that was available was relisted under the work study program.
I really didn't know what to expect coming into VCU which I feel is the best thing. There were no preconceived notions based on other people's perception. I was able to form my own views about the school, in this way I held no bias view or couldn't be disappointed by something I expected that wasn't there. A minor thing I wish I would have known as an incoming freshman was th meal plan and how I was able to do meal exchanges and did not necessarily have to go to the main cafeteria.
I wish I had known to take school and classwork more seriously. Some people think this school is easy to get in, but it does require a lot of effort from you as a student. If you don't put in effort you will not receive the type of grades you want to reflect on you. This school is very competative so you have to strive from the very beginning. I wish I knew to take it more seriously in the beginning.
I wish I had known the neccessity of a parking pass before classes started!