Washington State University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Washington State University?


It seems in the past that wazzu is a party school and it's crazy all the time.


Students at Washington State University used to be known mostly for their ability to drink lots and lots of Busch beer. The stereotype still remains today, especially if you walk down Greek Row at night time on the weekend. The amount of school pride that students have around here is not matched by any other school, in my opinion. Well, it may be mathed but it is far greater then that of UW. Our biggest rival is the University of Washington and being that we do not live in one of the U.S. largest cities, we dont have the luxury of doing fun things so we build great friendships at small house parties over with a can off beer and a ping pong (used to play beer pong). A lot of our students are thought to be "dumb" or "hicks" because our school is on the East side of the state.