The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Webb Institute is 29%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What is your overall opinion of this school?
The best thing about Webb is the other people around. Almost everyone is relaxed and laid back, despite the stresses placed upon us. The school is also magnificent, and I personally love the Steinway piano in the reception hall. The hard work involved, the rigor of the curriculum, and the reputation that Webb holds insures a lucrative future in any area the graduate intends to pursue. The school is honored in the industry of naval architecture and marine engineering, and without a doubt deserves its reputation as the single best college for naval architecture and marine engineering in the country.
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Describe the students at your school.
Webb generally consists of white males. This is most likely due to very narrow study and the field of engineering as a whole. Women consist of small population at Webb, and currently there is also a small minority of Asians. Students are from across America varying from places such as the Pacific Northwest to the Midwest and the South. A majority of students however are from the Northeast region. Student interaction is the basis of Webb. With such a small student body, everyone knows everyone, unlike much larger colleges where it may be lucky to see someone you know on any given day.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
It is true, some people don’t always like to wear clothes, but that is a given.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
The hardworking stereotype is without a doubt accurate, for there is no way to pass without hard work. The lazy do not survive long under the burdens of work. Procrastination does not apply to everyone, but most of the students tend to delay working until the night before. With such an intense workload, it seems ridiculous to put off doing work, but humans need to live sometime, and thus the daylight hours are saved for enjoyment, while the silence of the night is broken by the furious scribble of pencil on paper.
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What are the academics like at your school?
First and foremost, Webb is rigorous. Students must juggle seven challenging, fast-paced courses every semester. There are only four classrooms: one for each year of study. Students remain in their classrooms and the professors rotate. With class sizes around twenty, there is nowhere to hide. Webbies necessarily have very personal relationships with professors—and in fact each student is assigned one professor in particular as an advisor. All students are on a full-tuition scholarship; as such, there are strings attached. Attendance is controlled. Webb’s academic standards exceed most other colleges’ criteria—the minimum grade is 70—and failures must be promptly remediated. The curriculum is almost entirely fixed; difficult classes cannot be avoided. There is usually one laboratory-based course each term, where students get hands-on exposure to engineering concepts. All seniors must prepare a thesis: this might involve design, research, testing in the model tank, foreign travel, or the construction of scientific apparatus. Winter internships are integral to Webb’s curriculum: freshmen work in shipyards, sophomores crew on merchant ships, and juniors and seniors work in design firms. The library, parenthetically, is well appointed for a school of Webb’s size.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
There are a great deal of clubs and organization that insure the Webb students have a multitude of means to enjoy themselves for whatever free time they can find. Being conveniently located near the Long Island Sound and in possession of a small fleet of sailing boats, the sailing team is quite popular. There is also a soccer team in the fall semester, basketball through the winter, tennis and volleyball in the spring, and various other sports such as Ultimate Frisbee and a variation of floor hockey. There are also organizations such as WOOFS (Webb Organization of Family Singers) which allows students to exercise their musical talent, as well as a very free form club system that allows for the organization of any activity the students exhibit interest in.
As for the social life, the dating scene is rather poor, due to the short supply of females. Otherwise the activities are great, for the Student Organization works hard to throw parties (which often draw in females from other colleges) and keep things fun.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
Webb students are extremely hardworking perfectionists, who try to still have some fun during the rigorous semester.
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