I feel that if I could go back in time to my high school years I would tell myself to work harder, to apply to many different colleges and scholarships. I would tell myself that everything is going to be ok, that there is no need to worry or be anxious about going to college, because I would get all the help and support I'd need, that this huge change would be great for me.
If I could go back in time and warn myself about college life - I would have told myself to attend community college and university seriously to begin with instead of going to the private college ITT Tech. I am learning so much more in a real accredited college, and I wouldn't have wasted so much money and financial aid on a degree that I can't even use or transfer credits for.
If I could go back into time and tell myself a few things, I would start off by saying, "Good idea by taking that first year off." I would then discuss majors. "Going into your Freshman year, you don't need to be certain on a major. If you don't like how your math class is going, or you don't like the people in your art class, switch classes. In the end, you'll have made a better decision by sticking with your gut rather than going along with things and ending up hating it."
The third piece of advice I would give myself would be, "Pretty much, no matter what you do, you're going to need a Master's Degree, so stick with the Bachelor's that you enjoy most." And finally, I would sum it up with, "Have as MUCH fun as you can. College years are the best, but they go by so quickly. Study hard, and make sure you make it to that 8am class you scheduled yourself for, but don't forget to have the best time of your life while you're doing it."
As a senior, I goofed off a lot and didn't take it as serious as I should have. I got away with not doing some of my work or getting due dates changed. I regret doing this completely. Coming into my senior year, I didn't think senioritus was a thing, but it turns out that pretty much everyone gets it at some point. I procrastinated every single assignment until the last minute and did the least amount of work. If I were allowed to go back in time and give myself advice, it would be to not procrastinate anything. When a teacher gives you a week to do an assignment, start it right away. They obviously gave you that much time for a reason.
Hey, it's Future You. I know you're pumped up and excited to be heading off to college in a few days but, if you don't heed these word of warning you going to end up making the same costly mistakes I did. The single most important thing you can do to ensure you succeed is to suround yourself with people who have the same aspirations as you, and are willing to work hard to achieve them. Typically you'll adapt the habits of whoever you hang around, so make sure that they're good influences in your life. The second thing that you need to do is to go to office hours of your professors even if you're not struggling. They'll often provide you with advice and keep an eye out for you. Having a student-teacher relationship with a professor also will typically make you more interested in the class and you'll be willing to put in much more work on ssignments which translates to better grades. So this is my advice for you, if you listen to what I just told then you'll do very well in college.
I would say to stay focus on your education an ddo worry about anything else. I also would say not to let anybody interfere with my education and do what i have to do.
If I could go back in time to give myself adivce about college, I would tell myself to never be scared to be myself. I would tell myself to always be confident in my work and apply for as many scholarships as possible, because college will take all of your money! I would tell myself that even college guys are idiots, so stay focused on school and building a resume! I would be sure to explain some of the politics of college life like saving money, meeting with proffesors during office hours for help, and exploring the campus for other resources that will help make school a little less stressful. I would explain the importance of meeting new people and building long lasting bonds. College is about stepping outside your comfort zone, taking risks and loving your major. You have to be in the field that your heart leads you to, not just for the money. Finally, I would tell myself that happiness is one of the big keys to graduating. Put yourself first and try not to stress out even when you're under a lot of pressure.
If I could go back in time to talk to my High School self I would say that life is short, and sometimes friendships and relationships should be put on hold in order to make it to the end path in your career. I would say to take Math as soon as possible, and not to wait till later. I would tell myself that school was going to get hard down the road and to cherish the time I had when things were running slower. I would tell myself to relax more, and that impulsive late night procrastination is a bad idea. I would tell myself that studying harder is the key to success in life, and faltering because of life throwing curve balls will only get you wishing you'd caught them quicker instead of crying so much. I would also say that scholarships are everything, and to apply to as many as possible, no matter what they are. I would say that choosing friends who are good at certain areas in education is the way to go still, and to never let go of friends who have your best interest at heart. I would say Good luck.
Now this might come off condescending or maybe just too strange to be true, either way I think it's best you know how things really go pal. College is great, especially once you get into a really great university. You better not even think of opting for an alternative when it comes to late night study sessions, your Professor actually knows the difference between over night rambling and two week work. You may think these Professor's in college might surely get bored with grading about 700 essays over a couple weeks span, let us all remember this is their general STUDY. They've got nothing but knowledge and expertise on these subjects, they will grade your paper to its full advantage. Believe me. All I can tell you, is that you can't go in happily thinking it's time to relax. This is definetely no vacation, don't let the parties and outlandish events around campus persuade you into laying that online quiz to next week or so help you a day before the class. So do us both a favor and please; just please take it seriously. I'm counting on you now.
Please pay attention to the following advice. Your first semester in college will be rough. I know that it's the first time that you have experienced total freedom and independence. Do yourself a favor and focus on your schoolwork. Attend class regularly. Go to bed at a decent hour so that you can drag yourself out of bed and make it to that early class each morning. Take notes and pay attention in class. If you have questions or concerns, contact your professor. If you have a test coming up then study! No one will do these things for you. You have to take responsibility for your own success starting now! When you've given it everything that you have and you still have some time left at the end of the day, then take some time to have a little fun . . . but not too much!
Your older, much wiser self