If i were able to go back and talk to myself as a senior I don't know that there is much I would say different to myself. I do know that I would tell myself that I need to think how I would feel knowing that there were many people that would have loved for me to stay closer to home including myself. Sometimes I have a hard time knowing that all of my friends and family are in a different city and part of me would tell myself to look at all my options and not be so set on going away from home. I would also tell myself to go all the way for my business degree rather than a dance degree because i would better myself and my future by doing so.
The most important thing I would say, is make sure you make the best grades that you can in high school. The reason for this is because college expenses are increasing every year, you can only recieve so much money, and you can't always depend on your parents to get a loan in their name. The best way to get the extra money you need for school is through scholarships and grants. When you do get into the college of your choice, do not mess it up. Missing classes and not paying attention in class will catch up in the long run and you do not want to be behind, because it will take forever to catch up. Join activities on campus and get involved, it will give you something to do and you will also meet new friends that could become life long friends in the end. Have fun. Ofcourse college is all about getting the grades, but to get the grades you also have to have fun. You won't get anywhere being stressed and tied down with books and homework. Make the best best of it, because these years will be the time of your life.
The best advice I could think to give myself would be to apply for more scholarships. I wish I would have applied for a lot more scholarships than I did. I would also tell myself to learn to study more in high school, since I have a hard time since I started college. The last thing I would tell myself would be to save more money for college. Those are all of the things I would tell myself if I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior.
The importance of choosing a college is very important. Take time to go on tours of the college. Tours offer all the ins and outs of the college and will answer many of the questions you may have and assumed you may know. Also I recommend getting involved in a lot more groups and activities that are offered. Next, wait until you have attended your first class before buying your books. Many times they are listed as required and you do not always need them. Save yourself some money!!! Try to get into the college of your major as soon as possible. Keep your GPA up as this is what allows you the best options once in your college (major) of choice. Make friends with as many as possible, especially some of those that may not be what you may see as your type of friend! Seek out those older students, believe me they have already learned some tricks of the trade!!! Take time to have fun, school is very important, but you are only in college once, I hope! Remember too that the library is a very good place. It offers lots of helpful resources! Good luck!
Doubt--it seems to be a persistent follow-up to every important decision. But don't let it takeover your life. You know in your heart what you are meant to do, and you should never have let the doubt overshadow the step you had taken in your life. You have known almost your whole life that there was something out there that you were meant to do. Never let people take that away from you, no matter how much they remind you that there are jobs that pay more money, work that could be more prestigious, and time that could be better spent. The transition to college will not be as momentous as it seems, but it will be grand. You are choosing to stand on your own two feet and take charge of your life. Forget the overabundance of advice about how you should feel and what you should do, and dive headfirst into your dreams. Everything will be okay. That is what I would tell my high school senior self.
if I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would say to enjoy this last year of high school, for it will never be like this again. I would also tell myself not to be nervous about going to college because it is a very wonderful thing that you get to experience. You will make a lot of new friends and meet all kinds of different people. I would tell myself to be as organized as possible, it's extremely important to have evreything you need in a convienent place. And I would say that these will be some of the best years of your life, so make the best of it and don't be afraid to get out there because you just never know what might happen.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to not focus on what my friends from high school are doing. Focusing too much on sticking together can really make you miss out on a great oppurtunity for new friends. Time can also be focused on joining different clubs to get a foot in the door for future career oppurtunities. I would tell myself to view college as a clean slate, a time to make new memories, and a time to be the best me, that I can possibly be.
I would tell myself that college is a great learning experience. Not only do you learn a lot in the classroom, you also learn how to be independent and to provide for yourself. Being away from home makes you take on more responsibility and it makes you more accountable for your actions. You no longer have your parents telling you to do your homework or to clean your room. It is a time where you have to step up and take life straight on. You can no longer skip class and get away with it. You have to be prepared for every class and you have to put a lot of time and effort into your studies. College is the next big step in your life and the next four years determine your career and your future aspirations.
I would tell myself to stay on track with school and get it over with as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the longer your life will be put on hold.
I would have listened more to my mother and made sure I had great study skills and did my best because I would not be going through what I'm going through now. I don't have enough money for school and my mother is sacrificing so much to make sure I am able to stay in school. She has had to give up her house in order to help me with school and it still is a struggle. I know that I need to be more responsible and not make it so hard for my mother. I really wish I could do it all over again so that I don't stress my mother out, because she really wants the best for me and I need to trust in God and do alot better so that all my mothers efforts are not in vain.