If I could go back and tell myself about college life it would be to make sure that you know what your doing. Make sure that you have a good idea about what you want to do with the rest of your life. Make sure to look at all your options for college, don't rush into chosing one because that is where your friends go. Make the best decision that will benefit your life in the future, your friends will always be there. Make sure that you can afford going, if the possibility of scholarships don't happen for you. College is great and fun, getting to know people and learning about things that will benefit you in life.
The lesson I would wish to give would be breif, I would tell myself not to be concerned for my own selfish desires and finances. Instead I would tell myself to do more research on colleges. Most of all, I would want to be reminded of the importance of that wich is most valuable, family.
If I was able to go back in time and talk to myself as a Senior in high school with the basic knowledge that I have now being in college. I would have started studying for the ACT and SAT. I would have tried my best to take both test and achieve the highest possible scores. I would have applied for for more scholarships.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to focus on my work and studies hard in high school so that I wouldn't have to get myself in that mindset now. I would also tell myself not to focus on boys in college and focus on my classes.
I have always been shy and uncomfortable with new people and new surroundings. I came from a small high school and liked that I new everyone and felt safe but I was excited to get out and start collge. I first started at the University of CIncinnati but ended up transferring back home to Wright State only after two quarters because I was scared and things were hard. I would tell myself to be strong, and be social. I feel like I am now missing out on some great college experiences and the chance to meet new friends. College is a great new chapter in life and I wish I could go back and tell myself that things will get better, you just need to be strong, and have a little more confidence in yourself. Life can be hard, but you just need to keep your head high and believe that tomorrow will be better.
Do better on the ACT and get better grades in high school.
Wow, I grew up in Kenya. And the system of education there is very tough!!I would always be busy studying. Unfortunately i didn't take my highschool studies too seriously, but God is so good. They say he is a God of second chances, but i say he is a God of many chances. I didn't finish my education there, because after we had general elections in 2008, war broke out in the country and i was going to be like a genocide. Thats when my parents decided that they would bring me back. I did my G.E.D , in march shortly after arrival and got accepted at Wright State. When i started my college career i realised that what i had been learning in my general classes, was exactly what i learned in highschool and if i had paid attention and diligently applied myself to studies, i wouldn't have to struggle so hard to grasp a concept! Through this transition i have learned that everything counts and that i shoudn't have taken my highchool work for granted. It would have been a beeze for me if i had aplied myself, thats my personal advice.
I would tell myself to read and learn as much as I can about different cultures. I would tell myself to learn foreign languages beginning in grade school if possible. Be open to new ideas and be willing to work for what you get. And above all, keep an open mind.
I would tell myself to become more social, study harder to get no less than a B in any of my classes, and to keep the habit up in college. It is hard for me to get into the campus life because I have never been a social bee. I would love to make friends and I do have a few, but not as many as most of the other incoming freshmen on campus have. In college, there are too many people for anyone to not have friends. If I would have had better study habits in high school, they would have stayed with me through college. I have never been a good studying type of girl and that's why my GPA was never above a 2.2. I want it to be better than that in college. I have to train myself to be better than what I know.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself while I was still in high school I would emphasize the importance of not becoming overly bitter about my financial situation. The alleged scholarships I was supposed to get for academic excellence and involvement in high school turned out to be a complete lie by incompetent high school counselors. Remember, it isn't that they are discriminating against you because you are not a minority it is because statisticly there is nothing special about you. That you will try again and again to get scholarships and time and time again you will be denied. That as your college G.P.A cotinues to rise the amount of financial aid you are given will go down. That you will be near $100,000 in debt upon graduating and there was really nothing you could do about it anyway. I would have done myself a favor and told me the truth about college which is something everyone I spoke with my senior year of high school neglected to do. Maybe if they had I would still be broke but not the bitter cynic begging for $5,000 today.