I have gained alot of maturity and knowledge. I know now that I must study to pass. Partying and hanging out must not come first anymore. Mommy isnt there to tell me NO you cant go to that party or No you cant go out, or there to tell me its time to study and time to do my homework. I have grown up so much and i have so much responsiblity now. I know that class is very important. College is very valuable to attend because it teaches you things your parents cant. Like how to deal with the real world. How to be responsible for your self and not having your parents helping you everyday. I didnt think college would be as hard as it is. But i roll with the punches and try to jump over the obstacles. Its valuable because I want to get a degree and obtain a Great career.
My college experience has provided me with an insight to diversity. I'm originally from a dominate white, catholic community where everyone is the same. There is very little diversity, and the diversity that does exist is looked down upon. Attending college has provided me the experience to get to know people that are not like me, and allow me to see that although a person may be different they are still human and can be a good person. I have also created amazing bonds with friends because of my college experience and have made friends that I believe will be there for me for a lifetime.
I have gotten so much out of my college experience so far! Of course I have learned so many new things in my classes, but I have also met great people, and had some amazing professors. My peers and professors are inspiring and encouraging. Unfortunately, I have changed my major twice and set myself back in terms of graduating, but I do not regret the extra classes I have taken to get to this point. I find that I have become a well rounded person. Also, by changing my major, I now know what I really am supposed to do and what makes me happy. I understand now it is okay to change your major, because what matters is where you end up, not where you start, and you can never learn too much!
I have not actually started college yet, but I really want to attend and do not have the financial means to do so. I want to make a better life for me and my children. I cant wait for the chance to attend. Its going to be valuable to just grow as a person, and have better job oppurtunites. Thank you
If i were asked this question as a freshman I would of sauid freedom a sense of independence and discovery . But now that i am a parent I'd say those things plus indiviualism ,creativity and achievement . I have seen my weakness and my strength and I have learned what learniong truly means .
So far in my college experience, I have become more social and have gained more knowlege on my future career. In a way, college forces you to be more social and interact with people you never might have talked to before, which is good for someone who is more of an introvert.
With my major being Communications, I was required to take Com. 101. Taking that class taught me more about my major, confirming that it was indeed the right major for me.
Wright State has been valuable to attend because it brought me out of my own little world I was living in, and forced me to interact and meet new people that I wouldn't have otherwise.
I have gotten a few things out of my college experience. I have learned perserverance first of all. I have been going to school off and on for about 13 years. I couldn't decide on a major at first and in addition to that I am paying my own way through school and trying to take as few loans out as possible. I am a non traditional student who also works full time in order to pay for expenses like rent etc. in addition to my school bills. I have also learned that you're never to old to get a degree. There are so many students at Wright State that are older and I have been given the advice that you are never to old to graduate from college. I am very much looking forward to starting my career in social work and hope to help many people out. I am determined to finish!
In my short amount of time in college I have discovered that there really are teachers who care about you beyond their classroom. It is so inspiring and motivating to know that you have someone who is willing to take the time to get to know you as an individual, see what your needs are, and find out what they can do to help.
I, of course, have continued to gain knowledge. What I did not expect to gain was my identity. I really know what I want to spend my life doing and why I want to do it. I have become prepared professionally and personally for the journey that lies ahead of me. After almost deciding not to attend college due to financial constraints, I am very glad I chose to attend college. I have been given an experience of a lifetime. One that I will cherish for the rest of my life, I am so thankful I was able to further my education. I will forever have my education and all of my experiences, even though there were some hard times it was worth it. I would make the same decision if I were given a chance to change my mind about attending college.
I have gotten many things out of my college experience. I have been introduced to many new experiences, people, and cutlures. I have learned to be open minded and to be diverse. I have learned to be independent, hard working, and dertmined. Going to college has made me mature into a well rounded individual woman who set goals for herself and strives to reach them. I have learned how to make friends and to magage my time wisely. I also have learned a lot about math and science and what it takes to make a great teacher. I have had awesome experiences with being in the classroom and seeing what I can expect out of my chosen career. It has been valuable to attend college because I am making a better life for myself and my future family. I will be teaching children and will therefore make a difference for our future citizens of this courtry. I can now clearly see that I love what I have chosen to do for the rest of my life and wouldn't change it if I had the chance to do so.