York College Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at York College Pennsylvania know before they start?


I would tell myself to actually take time to review notes and study before the test. Cramming is inefficent. I've learned to study about a week in advanced, which has led to much better grades. So I would encourage my high school self to start this good study habits while still in highschool.


My advice to high school me is to learn better studying habits! I know you never studied, but you really should have tested out different ways! Also, HUG YOUR FREE TEXTBOOK! Love it! Name it! Cherish it!

Rae Yanna

Join clubs and really try to get into sports, because those help to bring in college scholarships. Push harder to get all A's and don't get discouraged. Everything will pan out in the end. Look at every scholarship available to you and those that may seem like they wouldn't even apply to you.


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to work hard. Learning to study well really paid off in my senior year. Any professional skills that I learned in high school have come in handy later and I appreciate the effort I took. I would also tell myself to appreciate the good times while they were happening. Senior year was really special which I recognize as I look back. At the time it felt like a lot of stress, but in the end I had a great year.


This is for Past Me and everyone like her -introverted, shy, usualy found with her nose in a book- don't be ashamed of who you are and what you like, but also don't you dare limit yourself because you're afraid! You read about amazing things every day, but the only way you will experience them is by breaking out of your comfort zone. I like to think of there being two me's: Quiet Me, and Adventure Me. When I come to a crossroads in my life Quiet Me turns towards the familiar, comfortable path; I have to stop myself and make a conscious decision to be Adventure Me and head down that scary exciting road. It's often hard, and sometimes I'm uncomfortable, but Adventure Me has taught classes, rocked job interviews, sat in box seats, flown to the other side of the world, befriended people who don't even speak the same language I do, and so much more! It's okay to stay in a few nights and re-charge your batteries. But ever so often to need to tell yourself: "Today I am Adventure Me," then go write your own story.


If I could go back to high school to give myself advice, I would tell myself to take advantage of every opportunity and get involved. Throughout high school, I was stubborn and did not want to do anything that was not the “cool” thing to do. I was an athlete and thought that was all I needed to do. It is important to stand up for what you believe in and help others by being involved in the community, learning from working in groups with others, and seeing how others interact in certain situations. These are all life-long lessons that will be learned, and I wish I would have taken the opportunities to learn them when I was in high school to be more prepared for college.


I would tell myself to study the book more often then I study my in class notes because the majority of the exam quesions are from the book. Also, I would tell myself to bring more sneakers and rain boots because college involvs a lot of walking and a lot of rain.


If I had the ability to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to not only focus on school, but to also have fun and join clubs. Even though grades and GPA is very important to colleges, a well rounded student is much better. Putting myself out there by joining clubs or volunteering is something that I wish i did more of. Being shy is no reason to not get involved more in the community. Therefore, I would have to myself to stop surrounding myself in school work and get involved to help other people and make more friends because connections are very important in the work world.


I would tell myself to get ready to study a lot harder than what I have been. I would definetly study harder for my sat's though my score was good it could have been better. Also I would tell myself to save as much as I could college is fun and you will me great people here but college is a huge expense. I would tell myslef to pick up more hours at work if I could instead of trying to jam in as many hours as I could close to the end of the summer like I did before. I would also tell myself not to go to technical school for the second year in a row it really damaged my gpa and though my gpa was okay I did not recieve the comolatte that I wanted to and mostly I believe It was because I didn't do so hot in technical school and I would strongly infensive that gpa's matter alot when it comes to financial aid packages. They could be the difference between getting $4000 more or less towards your tution.


If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to stay more focus on my school work and assignments and understand that work comes before play. Do things a step at a time to prevent yourself from cramming your head with too much and stressing out. Stay positive and out of trouble, and always remember that you should only worry about what you are doing, not what other people are doing. Participate in more school activities that will benefit you in you're future, so you wont seem like a lump on a log, it helps you learn to work with others, because as we all know, we'll be working with people everywhere we go. Failure is not an option, get the high grade. Challenge yourself and take it to the next level. You won't get anywhere if you don't try. No one is stopping you but yourself.