York College Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at York College Pennsylvania know before they start?


If i could go back and be a high school senior again, I would take my time and learn how to study. I would get out of the mind set that i didnt really have to try hard. I would try to figure out what i wanted to do before college even though it didnt matter that much. I would also have wanted to do more presentations because I am a shy person and it would have prepared me for all the speaking up in class that I had to do.


Ashley, calm down, breathe, and think! I know you love the idea of going to the same college as your boyfriend, but it may not turn out to be the fairytale you imagined. Choose your college based on which one fits your needs the best, not based on who else goes there. Once you've decided, don't stress over your roomate. I'm sure she will be fine, and if she's not, it's possible to get a room change. Orientation may seem like a waste of time while your there, but it is actually very helpful. Pay attention. You never know when you might have to go to an office that the orientation leaders mentioned, but that you didn't hear about because you were too busy talking to people. Finally, college-level work is a lot more difficult than high school level work, even AP courses. Yes, you skated through the APs and such, but you will not be able to do that in college! Do not try to, or your grades will suffer. Overall, just don't stress and be prepared for some big changes. College is a whole new ball game.


Hmmm, if I could travel back in time and give myself any advice about college, the one peice of advice would have to be, "Enjoy highschool and SAVE your money." I came to college thinking that because I wouldn't have to pay for tuition, my financial woes wouldn't be an issue...boy was I wrong. I realized that college is expensive in all aspects of it. Books are a couple hundred dollars, when the dining hall is closed food becomes pricey and then on weekends when you want to just hang out somewhere, money is something you will definitely need. SO SAVE YOUR MONEY HOWARD!!!


Choose different classes and dont take a year off to work.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would give myself some advice that many people before told me. I would leave my door open in order to meet more people and I would go around my floor to meet new people. Also, I would talk to people in my classes and make the effort to get to know them. This would have been helpful if I need help in a class and it would also allow me ot make more friends. Furthermore, I love my college but to other seniors I would say to make sure you visit the college several times so you know that is where you want to go.


I would encourage myself to try to test out of more classes. I enjoy college but much rather get credit for the work I did in high school. My senior year consisted of 5 AP courses which would have allowed me to gain up to 20 credits. I regret having wasted that effort my senior year. While most of my classmates were only attending four periods a day, I had a full schedule and that is something I definitely regret not having gotten ahead from. I would also let myself know that college is not as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be.


The one major advice I would give myself if I had the chance to go back in time, I would tell myself to develope a study habbit. All through high school, I got away without studying and still did ok, but after going to college and not having that study habbit, i suffered academically during my freshmen year in college. College is alot different than high school. In college, the students are more independent and we are responsible to learn the materials we need to know on our own. We need to have discipline in order to succeed. College requires alot more work from the students than high school. Unlike high school, college students don't have teachers and parents there to supervise them and made sure they had all of their homework completed and studied for the test. After completing my freshmen year in college, I would tell my high school self, it would be beneficial for me to develope a good steady study habbit before going into college.


Wow first off that would be amazing if I could go back in time, but if I was going to go back I would start either as a freshman or a junior not a senior. But since I am required to be a senior I guess I will have to manage. First and foremost, I would tell myself to dump that stupid boy Matt I that wasted the majority of my senior year on. He started so much drama and was a waste of my senior year. Now that that is out of the way, on the serious stuff. I would tell myself to suck it up and apply for all the scholarships offered at my guidance office. I would tell myself to get rid of the senioritis attitude and stop being lazy. I could have saved myself a buttload of money but my main focus senior year was having fun...and Matt of course. I also would have pushed myself to retake the SATs and get a better score on them, because they are part of the reason York College will not give me a scholarship. Finally I would have taken harder classes and figuered out my major!


Dont be afraid to make friends. Grades are important, but your job doesn't care what your grades were just as long as you get a degreee and know your stuff and have good work ethic. Get as many scholarships as ypou can get. Sit down and decide what you want in a college. Take a notebook with you to a college visit , to take notes.


I would absolutely tell my self to make the best out of my college experience. Getting involved around campus is one of the greatest things i have ever done. It is not only rewarding but you meet alot of people along the way that become amazing friends. Besides that i would also tell myself to be an education major from the start. I went into college as a criminal justice major but found that i have a passion for teaching becasue it is also very rewarding. Some of the teachers i have had at York College inspired me to be a better person and i want to help other like they helped me. I would also tell myself to always try my best, college isn't a piece of cake and sometimes gives you a smack in the face so get ready because its more challenging than high school but you can't give up. Lastly i would tell myself to prepare myself for the best days of my life.