After completing a year and a half of college I have many things I would tell my high school self. The first thing I would say is to start saving every penny you have. College is the most expensive investment I will make. Not only paying for each individual class, but paying for supplies for each class. As an art major I don't have the delight to pay solely for books and classes, I am lucky enought to pay for hundreds of dollars of art supplies too. It is well worth it in the end but I wasn't as prepared as I should've been to pay for all the things college requires. Another thing I would prepare myself for is better experience with art off the computer screen. Since I'm a Graphic Design major I thought my primary focus would be on the computer screen and I was wrong about that. Practice makes perfect, and if I would've just spent a little more time researching my major I would've understood that I needed off screen capabilities to be a desiger. The last tip I would give myself is be prepared to loose sleep.
Hey Kayla. I know your going to college next year and your a little scared so let me give you some advice. Visit the school before you decided to go there. You might even want to set up an overnight visit if you can. You might find that your not comfortable in that environment and being comfortbale at your school is very important because it will be your new home. Another piece of advice is if your struggling in one of your classes or you think you need improvement, go to a tutor. Odds are the school offers tutoring for free and they will be more than happy to help you. Its what their getting paid for. Third, get involved. Sitting around watching televison or doing nothing all day is probably the reason for freshman 15. Colleges have more clubs than you can count so it won't be hard to find a club to join. Also during the beginning of the year school have a club fair so you wil have a chance to see the different groups and see what you like. Lastly, have fun. College will give you insight into being on your own so enjoy it.
As a high school senior, I was so eager to get away from home and to venture into the real world. If I could go back and tell myself anything I would say, "Stay at home and to study at the local university. Dorm life is not you. You will be completely miserable where you are and feel trapped amongst people who are nothing like you. Drinking and partying are not what you want to do with your time in college and that is what this college is all about so choose something else."
In high school I did not have to study for exams. Now I wish I would have studied because in college things are a lot harder and I would have better study skills. Those study skills would now make my life a whole lot easier.
I would tell myself to visit all colleges first and if I am not sure of the exact career path I wish to take, make sure that I look at a school that is able to satisfy my needs for any career path. Also, don't choose a school based on how much it costs. However, I would also tell myself not to take advantage of the student loans I will be able to get because it will end up hurting you in the end, if you are not able to find a job right away.
Get involved early on, join lots of clubs and don't limit yourself to one group of people. Give staying at school on the weekends a chance, you will find that the more time you spend there, the better it becomes, the more friends you make and the closer you become with those friends. Research the area around your school to find things to do on the weekend so your not always relying on partying as the only thing to do on the weekends. Don't procrastinate when it comes to projects, get them done and save yourself a headache. Volunteer at local organizations, it feels good to help and looks good on your resume. Make connections with companies that could potentially be an employer in the future. Have fun and enjoy your college experience, its over before you know it!
I would remember that it does not matter what others think. I would be more of an individual, and be confident in my decisions. As a freshman, I was concerned with others thought and was unsure of my major. Now that I have been in college for two years, I realize that others' opinions should not outweigh my own. Mine is the most important, and along with that, I am very confident in my choice of major. I feel comfortable in the field of education, and cannot wait to get started. If I could give myself advice now that I have experienced college, I would remind me that I need to stay strong in my decisions and trust myself to make great ones.
I will tell myself how important is to have a career, and no matter what happen never give up, and please follow your dreams because anything can be possible, you just have to look for them. And i will also tell myself how important is to stay in school and do your best with your grades.
I would tell myself to not judge anyone by first impressions and to be myself. It's important that you put your true self out there when you first meet people because they are the ones, especially in your dorm, that you will spend a majority of your time with. it helps to make good friends fast because there will be times when you need someone to talk to about school or missing home and those friends will be there for you. I would also tell myself to try not to stress over classes and to take assignments one day at a time. It is easy to become overwhelmed with papers, projects, exams, and presentations when you are taking a full load, but if you practice good time management you will be fine. My last words of advice would be to have fun. This is four years of your life where you are living on your own with people who are all around the same age as you and share some of the same goals. Make the most of your years, do your best, remember who you are, and have fun!
I would tell myself that York College of PA is the perfect college for the kind of person that I am and to take advantage of all this college has to offer to me, from its adacamic standpoint by really getting involded with the classes, class work and the professors and from its social standpoint by joining a frat, a club sport and opening up to all types of people. All of which equal to allowing myself to enjoy this college's experience to its fullest and to increase my chance of success once I have graduted from this college.