So far in college I have opened up to so many more activities. I was not active in my high school career, and now I am a memeber oftkhe Campus Activities Board. I am meeting so many people and learning so much more about myself. I love the intimate class settings and being able to get to know my proffesors. I am so happy that I not only made the decision to come to college, but that I chose York College.
My college experience so far has been an excellent part of my life. I have learned what it is like to live on my own and how to be an independent person. I have also learned many things about myself such as what type of person I am and what my real interests are. I have met many new people, some of who are now my best friends. I have gotten so much closer to deciding what I want to do with my life and what career path I would like to take. The most important thing that I have gotten from college is truelly getting to understand life and all of its adventures. I've learned so many new things about life in general and can't wait to continue my college career and see what else there is to learn.
When I came to this school I quickly became aware of the passion that each professor has for what they do, and it shows in their teaching. The professors here really stress hands on experience when it comes to your career choice. For example, I have already had one internship with a minor league baseball team and I'm working on an internship with the Olympics. This school has taught me to take initiative, do things myself, and not to be afraid of going after the impossible. When I doubt my future, my professors are the ones telling me that I can do anything I can dream of, giving me the confidence to push on when I couldn't do it myself. I realized that I can be whatever I want, and the only person that can hold me back is myself. This summer I plan on traveling to Africa, Ghana, and Brazil to volunteer with orphans because I want to impact the lives of others. I want people to remember my life after my death. I want to leave a legacy, and my teachers have given me the confidence to pursue that dream.
I have learned so much about myself in my two years thus far in college. Not only have I acquired invaluable knowledge pertaining to specific sciences but I have become the person I want to be. I have learned how to become an active and useful member of society. I have learned how to juggle my responsibilities, support myself, stay focused, and go after what I want with all my heart. I have had some amazing professors who have helped me along the way and given me so much support and guidance in my quest. I have come to value each bit of information that I attain as something useful and precious. Every day is exciting when I get to learn something new.
Going to college was the best decision I have ever made! Not only has it excelled my current career, but it has broadened my knowledge about many other subjects including my community, world economics, and public healthcare. Due to my experience at the community college I have been inspired for my original goal of only getting a professional certification to actually going to a four year college and there after completing my Masters degree in Occupational Health so that I can one day become a Pediatrician.
Without the support of the community college, it’s professors, and students I never would have realized this dream or have the confidence to pursue it. Now I am well on my way to a better education, better life, and most importantly the opportunity to live a life of helping children and their families when needed most.
I hope to one day have my own Pediatric Practice that has assisted funding through grants and donations in which no child will ever be turned away due to their parents financial situation. It is my dream to help others the way doctors have helped my son.
~ Nicole Swartwout
I have just begun my college education, but I have already learned many important things. I am much better at budgeting my time and making sure I don't procrastinate, as well as finding the right balance between work and play. It has been valuable to attend because I am developing a much better work ethic and making connections that will help me throughout my entire career. It is already shaping up to be a great experience.
By attending York College of Pennsylvania, I have gained independence, new friends, and a sense of responsibility and maturity. I have had to learn to balance school work and my social life. I have also gained a new understanding of myself and what I want out of life. These lessons are of great value to me. Before attending the college I had horrible time managament skills and was quite introverted. I rarely talked to anybody and that affected my performance in class, especially when dealing with speeches given in class and group projects. Now I am able to work with all different types of individuals, no matter how difficult they may be. I have learned the skills necessary for me to succeed in my future career hopefully as a veterinarian. Studying, time management, and working in groups are just a few of the skills i learned and am still working on improving. Also, I made good friends who are positive for my life that I plan to have even after we graduate and go our separate ways.
This is something I wish was a reality. I would tell myself to stop goofing around and take the college search seriously. Had I not been too preoccupied with the present time then, I would not be in my current predicament of attending a school that I am not happy with. I would tell myself that college is a great experience and a much better fit for my personality than high school could ever be, but choosing the right school is beyond crucial. I would also tell myself to apply for scholarships, which is something I also did not do. Now I am stuck going to a school in-state because I do not have the appropriate funds to attend the college that is right for me which is out-of-state. Aside from choosing the right school, I would have told myself that making the transition was a breeze because college is a great time in life.
College has been an amazing experience for me. I have improved so many aspects of my life through social and academic experiences. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would have a lot of useful advice for myself. I would tell myself to get ready for an extremely fast, yet exciting transition. I would say that the first few weeks of college are the most important because that is when you form initial friendships that will make the transition a smooth and fun one. The first few weeks could make or break your enjoyment for the college of your choice. Get ready for a large workload that can be difficult at times, but also is very important to your career. It is not that bad because you have so much time to complete the work and make sure that you are doing it right. There would be one thing that I would stress more than anything else. I would tell myself to do one thing everyday that you would not normally do. This will open up opportunities for new experiences that will help you in the long run.
Don't be afraid to take chances.