The fall 2020 acceptance rate for DePaul University is 69%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
The advice I would give myself is to try and find a focus for your education. It is best to go in and know what you really want to do. Find your passion. It will make your college choice and course choices much easier. Make sure you keep in contact with your counselor they will help you stay on track when it comes to taking the required courses. Also, dorm life can be very challenging. If you know someone that is going to your school try to room with them so you do not have to deal with a total stranger. I also would recommend getting some type of job whether it is on campus or off that will help towards your major. There are plenty of positions out there and it will look good on your resume after college. Most of all go to class, keep up with your homework and assignments even though attendance is not always taken they know when you are there.
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Describe the students at your school.
Normal friendly helpful adults
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What's unique about your campus?
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
The worst thing about this school is the first year program that is required for all students because they are not very informative and waste time.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
DePaul University is an environment that inspires students to strive for their potential and to become well-educated citizens who can go out into the world and make positive changes.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
I wish I had known that I wanted to go to a more academically challenging school and that I was going to change my major 3 times. I wish I had known that fthe best thing I could do for myself as an actor was to study everything but acting.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
I go to the largest Catholic University in Amerca, but as someone who is not necessarily religious in the sense that I am devout Roman Catholic, I have never once felt threatened about my own beliefs by going to such a university. DePaul University prides itself on being religious, but allowing each student to find themselves in a way that let's them explore new religious and new horizons; that can be done by simply exploring Chicago. DePaul also has one of the few film programs I have been impressed with; both because of the faculty skillset and future opportunities.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
Students at DePaul should be familiar or enjoy city life. They should be prepared to spend tons of money on things that usually do not cost as much elsewhere. They should also be accustomed to a "city person" mentality. People are usually not very friendly. Students should enjoy shopping and eating great food. In Lincoln Park there is plenty off places to got out and enjoy. Students should also enjoy a small class size.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
Taking everything into consideration, DePaul is unique to many other universities in that you are opened up to a whole new world of opportunities because you are able to apply the knowledge and skills in the classroom to real-life situations regardless of your desired career path. This is accomplished by our dynamic career center that bends over backwards for students' needs, and the alumni sharing knowledge (ASK) program helps provide students with the latest industry trends and job-seeking advice. One thing I'd like to see changed is the level of selectivity for undergrads. The administration likes to pride itself in its strength in numbers as being "one of the nation's 10 largest private universities for service-learning" and setting enrollment records. Who cares? I'd rather see more selective criteria, higher standards, and lower enrollment than an "open-door" attitude to admission. In terms of being a college town, you couldn't ask for a better location. Wrigleyville is only 2 stops away and parties are going on somewhere every weekend. However, I have found that most students are successful at balancing their time effectively and can juggle working, playing, and studying. The big picture is that DePaul students can be singled out by their ability to portray an open mind in any environment, critically analyze and problem solve across a variety of disciplines, and are never afraid to try new things.
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What are the academics like at your school?
Our academic life at DePaul is truly underrated compared to other universities surveyed by U.S. News and World Report, the Princeton Review, and other rating agencies. Virtually every class has less than fourty students, there are no classes taught by teaching assistants, and professors will try their hardest to develop a personal relationship with students. Students who complain that they are not being challenged enough or that courses lack rigor likely are not putting forth their best effort in the first place. My favorite class here at DePaul would have to be LSP 200 "Sophomore Seminar on Multiculturalism in the U.S." because every class session was like an open forum and we had some of the most intellectually-heated, critical debates about public policy issues than any other course I have taken. Because our class sizes are so small, students are more willing to actively engage in discussion than in a typical lecture hall format.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
Classes filling up early on during registration.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
A well known business scholl recognized all around the country
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
If you are not interested in learning to step out of your comfort zone, meet people from ALL walks of life or participate in rewarding and exciting activities, do not attend DePaul. If you do not wish to be challenged academically, experience true independence and think outside of the box, do not come to this school. This school is not for the type of person who is satisfied with being average, uninspired to always go that extra mile, or contribute towards making the future world a better place.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
I am very proud of the cultural diversity that is at DePaul and the many chances to learn more about different cultures. The study abroad program is great once you are abroad but somewhat unorganized while on your way.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
The Sororities and Fraternities are pretty popular, as well as DePaul Blue Crew (basically spirit club) and DePaul Activities Board (plans many huge events on campus including homecoming and the end of the year concert--FEST).
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
A big stereotype at DePaul is that all of the students are rich because the campus is in Lincoln Park, which is an expensive neighborhood, and tuition is a lot. This stereotype is definitely not true in my case as well as many others. DePaul is very generous with scholarships and financial aid, which help many students afford the tuition. I'm a carpenters daughter and definitely not rich. A large percentage of students, including myself, work while in school to help pay the bills.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
The stereotype is that there are a lot of spoiled rich kids. And that it is a school for super intelligent kids.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
To an extent, most of the stereotypes have some validity but there are some that are outright ridiculous like the ones that we are "rich, liberal-loving, parents credit-card sucking, introvertive, stuck-up brown-nosers". At every college there are bound to be students who fit one or more of these traits, but my fellow classmates and peers at DePaul that I have encountered and hang out with on a regular basis do not. Regarding our campus pride and spirit, we could use more activities that bond students together because there are so many distractions off campus that students tend to lose sight of what's happening on campus. However, we do have over 250 student groups & organizations and plenty of service-based initiatives to get involved with if you look hard enough.
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Describe the dorms.
The dorms at DePaul are VERY nice. Only one (Corcoran Hall) has community bathrooms, and almost all of the others have bathrooms that are shared between two rooms. I lived in Belden-Racine, and my room was definitely big enough for me and my roommate. Also, the dorms have study lounges and kitchens on each floor. Most people only live in the dorms during freshman year, and I have lived in an apartment for sophomore through senior year. But I definitely recommend having the dorm experience! It's a great way to meet people and make friends.
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What are your classes like?
For the most part, my classes at DePaul have been pretty interesting. Of course, there are those classes that we all have to take and wonder why, but I think that's part of the college experience. You develop a better perspective on things when you learn a little bit of everything I think. I recently had to take a nursing class for my liberal studies requirement and I hated it. But, I did leave the class with an A and know for sure that nursing is definitely NOT for me. So, I guess things tend to balance out. So far, my favorite classes have been my creative writing workshops. The students write stories, and read them aloud so that the class can give feedback on them. This is probably the most productive of my classes because you find out what people are really thinking of your work and what you've actually been doing for the class. It's not always easy to sit and listen to your own writing be critiqued, but it helps in the re-writing process!
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