When narrowing down colleges, make sure you have gotten the chance to visit all of the likely candidates, and choose whichever you feel will accomidate you best, educationally and socially. Keep in mind this is where you will be living for the next four or so years. Remember, however, that finding you are not happy with your choice is not the end of the world. In fact, more students transfer from other colleges than you think.
Most importantly, make sure to have fun in college, because you are going to want to look back and have good memories of the most expensive investment you will ever make. But also remember why you are there. If you didn't want to do anything with your life, then you wouldn't be wasting your money on going to school. Constantly remind yourself of your goals, get inspired about what you need to get done now to help you in the future. Know that the amount of work you put in is the amount you get back in the end, and if you think you haven't yet found your calling, expect that it will come to you when you least expect it.
compare each one, and know what your major is.
Make sure you visit the college and ask a lot of questions. Explore your options.
If you love art and you are passionate about it. This school helps you perfect it..
Find out, and make sure you know what you want. Then go for it.
Make sure that you vissit the school before you vissit. Talk to an academic advisor so that they break down the degree schedule, as it is lengthy and will talke more time and money to complete if you dont understand it. Talk about money, money, money, it is not cheap to live and go to school here.
The most important thing to do to find a college that fits you well is do a lot of research about the college you want to go or have an interest in. Best way to do so is talk with the students there or pass students and especially the ones with the same major you are in or interested in gett into. Don't forget to check out the cost of the school and how much each classes os worth. those lab fees are tricky. Also check if they offer financial aid.
Know what you want to get in to and if you don't know that yet see what intrest you first befor getting in to any college. Picking the college that will look good on an aplication will not be good for you if its not right for you. Find on ethat has almost every thing you need to make it feel like a place you want to spend up to the next 4 years of your life at. pick the right college not the popular one, you will be failing yourself.
My current school is my second school, i actually transfered to Academy of art university.
This is the mistake that i made. I didn't go to a school tour and decided depended on scholorship and the distance.
I strongly recommand to people to choose college, not depends on the distance, costs nor information you've got from your friend. When you have a sepecific college that you wanted to go, then first you visit school and see if you like them.
Second, financially, i am getting loans and also getting a grant from government. If you need money, there are ways to get plenty of money that can support you to go to college.
Third, you can always transfer school if you don't like the school. As i told you earlier, the choice i made was perfect for me. I am so enjoying my campus life and school life togather and also like teachers and environment. Those who are going to college soon, wish you the best luck!!!:)
The easiest thing is to visit the campus and ask the administration some questions, and then take those same questions and ask several students. See how their answers compare and you want to interview mostly students from the same major your child is seeking.