Academy of Art University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Academy of Art University know before they start?


Think long and hard on what you are passionate about, often people can be confused or misled, then try to find the best school for your money and go for it, give 100 percent and no one can get in the way of your dreams, not the economy, not your family or freinds, just stay focused and never stop doing what you is too short not to get the best out of it, so stay educated and keep smiling , life is grand... thanx DT


Go when you are ready to learn.


if your not passionate enough, or don't want to work for something that you really want, then please save yourself the debt and don't go to college. There are plenty of other institutions out there such as trade schools, and even a growing online presence. Remember that we are in the INFORMATION AGE, and therefore you should be able to find helpful information you need from websites, online communities, forums, chat services, or even from people around you in your environment. the information is there, for those who crave it.


FInd someplace where you want to learn, not just that has a mass of awards. College is about you and what you want to do with your life.


Do your research and find the best program that goes toward what you want to do, don't settle because it's easy. Reach for the stars as they say because in the long run you'll be happy you did. Also once your there, don't be afraid to get out there, try something new, something different. It may be a little scary but you'll enjoy the experiance a lot more if you do and you'll grow and learn more about yourself.


Choosing the right college is no easy feat. Each student has their own potential, interests, and goals. The parents should support their children during this transitional time by providing emotional support and encouragement and assisting in any questions or research their child may have about the collegiate future. The student should maintain a mature attitude and make sure the colleges they consider attending are for the right reasons.


I suggest that students and parents look for the best school for their particular major. The school should have plenty of classes that relate to their major. The school should have teachers that have been in the industry in which they are studying. Do the research on the school and the teachers. It is important to not rush into anything; think it through and talk it out with your parents. Go look at the campus, meet the teachers and faculty. Think of this as the most important investment you will ever make. It is also important to be deeply committed to learning. Once you?re in school, learning is the most important. For students, your goal should be getting good grades, studying hard, graduating, and getting a good career so you can pay off those loans. The last thing that students should realize is that determination is key. Never give up and don't let anything get in your way of your goal.


It is imost mportant to allow yourself flexibility. Accept that you might make the wromg choices, and you won't neccessairly have everything you need to know to choose the perfect college. Be able to recognize if you're in a place where the wrong things about the school outweigh the right things for you and figure out ways to repremand this situation. The hardest part is realizing and accepting that you might not be doing what you thought you wanted. There are really only two important issues when you choose the right college: being challenged and satisfied in your academic pursuits and being happy in your life, both in and out of class. Nothing compares to being so excited about a class that you willingly spend your free time pursuing the topics outside of the classroom. Good teachers and academics promote this and what students say about the quality of classes and instructors at a particular college should be taken into consideration.


Make sure you obviously tour the school not really for the campus but for the people. The people are who will make or break your experience. If you just don't fit it you just wont be happy. Make sure they offer things you like too like clubs, sports, also make sure the surrounding location is nice.


College costs a lot of money, and is a real privilege to be able to attend one. You need to know what you want to do with your life, and find the college that will help you reach your goals. Do your research. When you get into college you need to work, and I mean WORK. I think that a lot of college students these days take their education for granted and there for don't get the most of what is being offered to them. I come from a lower middle class family that is unable to provide for my tuition so I get by with private loans. It was a hard decision to come to Academy of Art University becuse of the financial burden, but because I have, and because it is my dream to be a professional artist I try my best every day.