My one piece of advice that I would give to my 18 year old self is to be true to yourself. When I first graduated high school, I enrolled at the local Community College and started taking heavy academic courses to prepare myself for law school. I love the law, but being a lawyer wouldn't be the life that I want. After asking myself what I wanted my life and career to be like, I realized that I hate sitting behind a desk all day.
Another thing I would tell myself isn't advice, but words of encouragement. I would tell myself that it will all be over soon. My parents verbally and emotionally abused me as a child and I suffered from severe depression and anorexia. However, shortly after turning 18, I moved out. I have since moved 5 hours away from my family, which has dramatically helped me with my depression. If I had known that I was so close to escaping, I would have been able to live-something I never did in high school, and something I will forever regret.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that I am worth aiming for high goals. Back then I didn't think that I knew what direction I wanted to go to, but in fact, I had always imagined what it would be like to go to an art school, yet I didn't immediately set my mind on it because I thought I wasn't good enough to go. I thought that my goals in being successful in that field were too high and out of reach.
I would tell myself to go for what I wanted in my heart than what society and family would want me to go for. In the long run, it isn't about money and a job that is important - it is happiness. I would tell myself to pursuit my own happiness in whatever I wanted to do right after high school and think of what would make me happy in the long run instead of a fleeting happiness. I would tell myself to take care of myself in mind, soul, heart, and spirit before anything else.
You should learn to cook, wash clothe, be more organized. Enjoy doing nothing all day because its going to end pretty soon. Be more open to people, more social. Know that its not going to be easy and that liveing on your own is a total new experience which will help you realize alot of things in life. Be grateful for who you are. Get more involved with school. Be yourself, and have fun doing it.
I would tell myself that I'm doing a great job. And just to try my best to not get discouraged by constructive critizisum. Do not procrastinate, and remember, you never regret trying something new, you only regret not trying in the first place.
I would tell myself to apply for the Academy of Art University before graduating high school. Not to worry about going to a junior college first to save money but, to apply for financial aid, cal grants, and other scholarships to lower the amount of a loan to pay back after graduating college. I feel that if I had applied for scholarships and finanical aid back when I was in high school, I would have a better chance of being awarded at least one if not both.
Suponiendo que regreso el tiempo atr?s y sabiendo lo que s? ahora el consejo que me dar?a ser?a el seguir luchando hasta lo ?ltimo por mis sue?os, que no importa los problemas que se me presenten hay que brincarlos y seguir hacia adelante. Para m? la transici?n de la vida de escuela a vida universitaria fue un poco dif?cil pero eso no hizo imposible que mi sue?o se hiciera realidad y lograra todas las metas que me propuse para ese momento.
Go for it! Don't let the chance pass you by. Let yourself be the most important being on earth and give it your all! The most important experience you will have is going to college and having the full experience. If I had to do it over again I would leap hurdles to go to school if I knew then what I know now. I believe in myself totally and I wish I could erase time.
Dear Melinda 2005,
Congratulations! You're graduating from high school. Good luck and have fun. It will be a great adventure and you will learn a lot. One piece of advice for you, don?t settle. Look hard for the best program for what you want to do. At this point you want to be an art teacher because you don?t know if you have the talent to be an artist. You can do it and you will be fantastic! Find the best school. Don?t settle for the local schools just because they are what is available. Do some research. Look at online colleges. Surround yourself with positive passionate people. They will help give you confidence and guidance. Live life to the fullest. Try everything. Don?t compromise your morals. Go into every situation with an open mind. Don?t procrastinate! If you lose your inspiration know that you will find it again. Be your beautiful bright self. The people who care don?t matter and the people who do matter don?t care. Have fun and enjoy every day of it. It will fly by. Remember you are AMAZING!Love, Melinda 2009
Be prepared to be on your own. Learn to save your money and organize better.
I would tell myself to think more about what I wanted to do and what my interests were and to not be afraid to persue a career in art.