This experience has taught me that it's not only about the education you'll receive but also about the business and personal connections you gain. I believe that to be of the most value in my attending a university.
My college experience began with a huge awakening. I was thrown into an environment that expected me to act proffessional in both my work and my attitude. Classes were difficult and teachers always pushed me for work of better quality that at first, I thought I could never achieve. But then I began to see how much I improved. The professional expectations and the tough courses with dedicated teachers really pushed me to do my best all the time and therefore, I was always improving and pushing my creative boundaries . My grades improved but they hardly mattered to me as much as the output of my work did. My school not only is succedding in honing my artistic skills and talents, but it is teaching me to be and act professional. Incompleted work is just as bad as never starting the assignment. It is like failing to do your job in the workplace. You don't finish your job and you don't get paid. You aren't successful. This school is as much dedicated as to making me a proffessinal artist in high demand as it is at making me succesful and I really value that.
My college experience at The Acadamy has been such an incredible oportunity and living in San Francisco is so inspiring. I attended 2 years of community college in my home town before i moved here and i felt so lost, when i transfered to AAU, i felt right at home even though i was hundreds of miles away. I just knew that this is where i belonged. All of the students around me are so artistic and i feel like we can all learn so much from eachother. So many talents combined in the same room can create so many amazing ideas and masterpeices. I am extremely excited to continue on and explore my bounderies. To see the progress of my work and everyone around me will be an experience of a lifetime.
metting new people has been one of my college experience, meeting new student, meeting instructor who has been sucessful on their career and were i see them as an insperation to sucess. This has been valuable to attend because is a place where i have learned so many thing about art. Art is one of my greatest passion since i was a young girl and now i can see more into the prespective thing that i would never imagine. Experiences new ideas where i see myself on the future, my goals, and all my achivements i need to take to fallow my goals.
Out of my college experience I have learned many things about my self as a young adult. I lived in New York my whole life and now go to school in California away from all my friends and family. Growing up and becoming responsible for myself became inevitable. The changes that I had to make because of the move, made me grow as a person. The reason I value the Academy of Art University is because I feel it is helping me to build my future. All of my professors have first hand experiance in the field of work that they are teaching, most still being in the business. I feel that learning from them is a value in itself because I feel you should not teach something you don't know. I have a new found appriciation for my major and love it even more then I have previously. If I could I would reccomend this school to any serious upcoming fashion design major that I know.
All the experiences I have had in the Arizona Western College and the Honors society aided my transition to the university by strengthening my inter-personal social, academic, and cognitive skills. Learning at the college engaged my enthusiasm and uncovered talents I have to succeed in the challenges of university life. I received mentoring from honors advisors and other honors members; they gave me many good ideas to assist me in transitioning to the University of Arizona from a community college. I also enjoyed forming study groups with my classmates and have come to appreciate working together as a team with other students in developing intensive critical thinking skills, and perfecting my research skills. Since I have earned all “A’s” in the mathematics courses, I was selected to be a Supplemental Instructor leader in Calculus One class and help the students to learn mathematics in the college. My professors also confirmed my ability in mathematics and encouraged me that I could achieve my dream and teach mathematics in America. My future plans include pursuing a career as a mathematical educator; assisting students in educating themselves and integrating themselves into American society as productive and prosperous citizens.
I've gotten so much out of my entire college experience. I say entire, because I consider living situation and lifestyle as part of that. I moved out of my parents house when I was just 18. During college I moved across the country to the bright city of San Francisco and started managing a house. I was about to manage my friends, family, money, and, of course, school while having the time of my life. Being in college has taught me many life lessons and has prepared me for many things in my future.
I've leanrn alot,not jus about my major but my self. Starting online is very hard, but it did help my grow as a person. Right not I'm trying to get money go to that campus. Online your truely on your own if you don't undstand something.
I graduated from High School in 2001. After finishing my first year of college in the US, I moved to Austria to study German. After becoming fluent in German, I studied architecture in Vienna. Two years ago I moved back to the US to complete my degree. It has been a long journey. Many of my credits did not transfer. Paying tuition for ten years has become very expensive and I am eager to complete my degree. Despite these challenges, I feel that the experience has been well worth it.
I've found and grown to love the person inside of me. Growing up in a southern, methhodist family as a gay male presented its difficulties. I felt alone, scared and different. My fears of disappionting parents proved to be to much when I exhusted myself trying to please their every command. My first semester in College i got to, for the first time, be myself. Wear skinny jeans and not get punished for it. That may seem trival to you, but it gave my freedom. I got to step back and look and the mirror to see a smart, powerful person in front of me. My whole life socitey had written its own agenda and "rules" on my chalkboard. You will be this, you won't be that. I will be myself. I am compassionate. I am creative. I am strong. I am alive. I am gay. I am human. I am loved. I am myself.