Do not put off until tomorrow what you can accomplish today. After graduating from High School, set a personal goal to complete your college degree and pursue that goal. I graduated high school in 1984 and took a few college courses without ever obtaining a degree. I always thought that a degree wasn't necessary to succeed or that I could always return to college if I wanted to pursue a degree. I am now 47-years old and trying to get my degree. Life doesn't always go as planned but there is one constant: a person with a college degree is more attractive to a company than a person without one. Sacrifices may be required and obstacles may have to be overcome, but completing a college degree program gives a person a sense of accomplishment like none other. I will be completing my Associates Degree in February of 2014 and plan on pursuing a Bachelor's Degree. Attending college can be financially challenging but it is an investment in yourself and in my case an investment in my wife and children also.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would encourage myself to not give up! In a world that is constantly changing and producing new challenges, I encourage my 18-year old self to stay motivated, focused, and determined. There are many distractions that come along with entering college. I believe that eliminating as many distractions as possible from the get go will help to provide a more successful educational experience. I would also tell myself that there are many majors and careers to chose from, and that I should take my time and do my research before deciding on what I want to pursue. The opportunities in life and endless, and it is important to experience many walks of life before ultimately settling on a career decision. And have fun!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, it would be great to teach myself more about challenging myself to taking more classes, or perhaps online and college classes that were available. Without realizing it, I could have accomplish a few college credits that way. I also learned that money does not come easily. When I was taught about scholarship as an upward bound student in high school, it would be a miracle to advice myself to challenge myself more and apply for variety of scholarship other than the ones that I have already applied for. I was also afraid to work long hours. I thought that I would not be able to handle any of my high school assignments along with sport. However, it was a different story while in community college. The classes were a lot harder, and surprisingly I worked more than I have expected. If I could succeed community college, I believe I could have taken a little more challenge being a high school senior.
I would tell myself to follow my dreams, and stand strong in my decisions. I would say that You are the creator of your life, no one else has the authority to tell you what decisions to make. I would tell myself to work harder and not to let the hard times destroy your dreams and desires, because in the end all that effort you put forth will manifest beautifully. Trust your inner guidance and your abilities. When you are in alignment with yourself, and you are set on your desires, college will become an incredible source of knowledge and wisdom to help lay out the path that you desire for yourself. Always keep yourself open to learning, for the universe never stops teaching, and this is part of the path of becoming the beautiful being that you are!
Never give up and just stay focused.
If I could give my younger self advice, first off I would tell younger me too make sure what bathroom she is apposed to be going in, and also lock the door behind you. Ah, just joking, I would just say keep on doing what you are doing and you are going to turn out fine. But, maybe work little harder in school, also just put in mind about what I said about bathrooms.
Network with your friends parents
Before you decide to go to college make sure you are sure you want to go to college. If you are sure you want to go to college pick a degree you want to pursue and not want your family thinks you should go for. I do not want to go to school and find out it is not for you and you drop out. Take tiem off if you need to. Fulfill your dreams. The most important suggestion I have for you is to find a career that makes you happy.
If I could go back in time and give my high school self advice about the life transition I'm about to take, I would push myself more to try and achieve additional scholarships and/or grants. It is my absolute passion to travel from my home of Colorado to the Academy of Art University, in San Francisco, California, to pursue my dream in the art world. Unfortunately, my family is unable to financially support me in this decision, which makes me regret the fact that I should have looked into more scholarships when I was a senior. I have a desire to receive a higher education opportunity, and should have gotten a head start on earning the resources to achieve it sooner.
Do your work and turn in your homework on time