Hey Alex, I know you think you’re doing a lot in school right now but joining some after school teams, and clubs will help you so much when you’re trying to get scholarships. Your parents aren’t always going to be together, and when they get remarried they will have even more kids to take care of. You think you have enough money to get through college, but when you add another 10 kids into the mix you will soon realize you can’t afford college. Get working on scholarships, and ways to impress schools so you don’t get stuck working every day to get money so you can start school when you turn 20. You will be out on your own in no time, and let me tell you, the world is an expensive place. Food alone will be enough to kill you. Start working younger me, and the future will be so much easier for you. Your beloved older self.
Grow up young lady and take responsibility; one day I will have freedom, independence, adventure and I will make my own decisions. Mom will not be there to do the laundry nor will she wake me up for work.
Scholarships and grants mean a lot. Life is not a piece of cake, so graduating with $45,000 in student loans will be tough. Always stay focus and be positive toward others and I will succeed.
There is a thin line when making new friends, so be careful, enjoy life, and try new things.
Do not procrastinate, but finish my homework. Always do extra credit.
Join organizations, sports, and clubs that interest me. Get out and participate.
Get a job and save money. Do not get a credit card; pay with cash. As a college student, buy things such as a microwave, a hot plate, and a fridge. Spend money wisely but on healthy foods.
Live life to its fullest! Be among others by attending college, some people would die to be in my shoes! Have fun, play, and study hard. Spend hours talking about life or perhaps talk about love and hopes for the future.
School is a rewarding place.
If I was able to go back to my senior year and tell my immature, lazy self what I have learned now, I would use that opportunity to the fullest. Trying to plan out my entire future while still in highschool was probably the first step taken in discouraging myself. I overthought every decision, resulting in me giving up before I actually strived toward a goal. My senior year was probably the worst acedemically, mainly because I wanted it to be as easy as possible (who knew I'd have to exert myself in non-core classes). Because I was not sure of what I was doing, I was not motivated to work for anything. I remember literally thinking, "Ugh, it won't matter anyway. Why waste my energy?" So instead of applying my abilities to grades and obtaining scholarships, I stressed out over trivial drama, my future, and sports. I was scared to commit to anything, especially since I was changing my mind so quickly. But knowing what I do now, I would plead with that complacent, blinded girl to set a goal and strive toward it. She's got the rest of her life to change her mind.
What an adequate question to ask one self while never going dull no matter how old you get. As a high school student, although I learned the value of a dollar pretty early from taking on a job at Ben & Jerry's and AppleBees, I never quite understood the major "difference" in the value of a dollar when it came to college! I honestly thought my parents and financial aid would be able to get me through college. I came into this world of "college success", dumb as a door nail. My parents,seperated and got caught in the midst of the falling of the economy, and financial aid, gives nothing to those in the struggling / the new poor, lower middle class! Even the loans I'm getting aren't enough to pay for a full time semester or supplies! So this is what i would tell my highschool self: Plan for the worst, invest your time in numerous scholarships, and make not just good grades but the very best!
I would tell myself to study harder, and take the tests for the AP exams towards the end of the year because that will save you mobey for that class.
Please do not be afraid of the unknown. I spent so much time letting it rule my life and my decisions. Also don’t do something just to fit in; because of my insecurities, many athletic endeavors were driven by that need, and left me feeling as if I was living a lie.
So much of your life has been about worrying whether or not you would fail. Nevertheless, take that next step; it will lead to the next chapter in your life. Our dad always told us that life is the adventure that you make it.
College is scary, but you are taking the next step by refusing to let fear drive your heart. It’s terrifying to face a massive giant that you must conquer. Yet fear has never been a part of what our family stands for and to give into fear would be an insult to everything you have worked for.
Lastly, find that inner warrior, the one that would fight for every breath and press on without giving up, because this is your life. You are in control no matter what anyone has ever said. The power to succeed is in you.
Dear High school Mark, Take school seriously. School may not seem important in high school but it can effect your entire college career. Also start saving now. College is expensive and you don't want to be in debt for the rest of your life. Figure out what you want to do and enjoy doing it. Don't settle for your major, you are gonna have to work hard to get to college so make sure you really enjoy studying what you are going to be studying. High school isn't everything. Don't think that your world will end when high school is over. Your life have just started, so try to keep positive and keep moving forward. Get Ready for the exciting and inspiring ride that awaits you. It is going to be awesome.
Sincerely, College Mark
I don't have much college experience besides the community college I attended out of high school. In the world I grew up in going away to school was never an option. Until now that is. My father started using drugs a few years ago and ever since then my entire world has changed. I'm head of my house hold now. I never would have invisioned my life to turn out this way but it did. If I could go back in time I would tell myself to go against my parents and do what I want with my life. I'd tell myself it's going to hard but very well worth it. I would prepare myself for my fathers addiction and make the decision to put myself first this time. I'd remind myself of my own worth. I'd tell myself that it's a cold world and if you don't do anything for youself then what makes you think anyone is going to do anything for you? If you don't believe you're worth it then trust me, no one else will either. So I'd tell myself to go. Just go.
Apply early and apply to all the scholarships you can find. Volunteer often, and become active to companies you would want to work for. Speak to people,speak to strangers, speak often and introduce yourself. Show your work, show your perseverance but most of all show that your capable of doing the job right the first time.
I would tell myself to follow my dream and not worry about pleasing my parents or my family. I am the most important person in my life and it took me a long time to make that realization. Unless you are working towards what you love to do, college is a waste of an investment. I would tell myself to follow my heart.