If I had to go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to not be nervous about my classes and if I will fit in with my classmates. I would also tell myself that i would make alot of new friends and to do so i should not be so shy and just be open minded becuase all my classmates have the same interest as I do, fashion. I would tell myself not to worry about money or time, that it will all work out in the long run.
Had I the oppertunity to inform myself then of what I know now I would tell myself, "Get your head in the game! Highschool's over. Stop procrastinating, stop half-assing your work, stop lying to yourself. It's time to grow up and out of that shell of yours. Be happier, smile more, be open with others, and stop being such a jerk to the people you like. The friends you're about to make might be your friends for life, don't lose them just because of a few unreviewed words falling out of your mouth. I loved my first semester of college, but , I swear, it could have been so much better. So much better if I only let people in, went out into the sunlight, made plans for my day. Please, please take my words to heart, because they're the only things I can give you... err... me... Right. So remember, stick to your studies, be friendly, and bring your own dishware, the girls like to steal from the kitchen for some odd reason."
If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a hight school senior, I would have said, "Purue your dreams, always. Time is limited on this earth and only you can make your dreams a reality." Any other advice would have been to save up with a small job for college, so life would be a little easier finanically.
I had determined early in my senior year that I wasn't ready to attend college. So if I was able to go back in time and talk to myself in the bleak hallways of my high school, I'd utter five words, "You're doing the right thing." I wouldn't only tell myself, but I'd tell every graduating senior that there is always another path. Some people aren't blessed with a clear idea of study at age 18. Since college is always available, they can confidently experience life before committing to a degree program. In some cases, like mine, that break from school will turn into an educational experience that will further benefit the career choice made.
I have been through my first semester of college, I am going to school online part-time at the Academy of Art University. Knowing what I do now about college I would tell myself to learn to be organized and disciplined. College life is so free and independent that you have to discipline yourself to sit down and make yourself do the work assigned and turn it in on time. If I could go back I would also tell myself the importance of deadlines. The teachers at my school do not accept late work for the reason of teaching the importance of deadlines in the art and fashion world. If you have a company that does not meet its deadlines that means a loss of money and goods for your company along with its reputation. In college organizaton should be taken into consideration because the pressure of school and getting loads of work completed on time is enough stress so why add more by not being able to find your materials due to clutter. I would tell myself about deadlines and discipline because if you don't take your classes seriously and fail, your school puts you on academic probation.
It's time for college, so you need to be more organize. In high school everyone tells you that, and you may think its not a big deal, but if your backpack looks like a pig sty, you'd never survive. Network with as many people as possible, because that will be your greatest outlet for snagging that creative career that you've always dreamed of. Stay focused and limit your distractions, and always try to make things better, if it looks okay, make it better, and if its better than make it extraordinary.
I would tell myself that I shouldn't stress out too much over how long college actually takes to complete. People go through different things in their lives and experience highs and lows. There is no real time line on life and I wish I knew that there isn't a set time line for completing school either. I spent so much time feeling bad that I was behind my friends who finished school in 4 years. It took a lot of soul searching to focus my energies from my ego and pride to being working hard and learning all that I could at school. In a way, I am thankful that my time in college has taken longer than people I know, because I have had time to experiment and grow in my field and as a person. Those who graduated in 4 years haven't necessarily had the opportunity to grow because they've been focused on hitting the pavement and finding whatever job would hire them. During this, my senior year, I am savoring everything I learn and relishing in learning for a living.
I would tell myself to focus more on what I will be learning, and to research as much as I possibly can to expand my mind further. I would also tell myself to take advantage of all the resources my school has to offer because before I know it, I will be graduating. Time moves too quickly to be slacking at any point, so you need to absorb all you can when it comes to school and your career, but also to keep in mind to set aside time to hang out with friends and to have time for yourself. I would also tell myself to not be such a pack rat because when the time comes to move out of the dorms and into a small apartment or studio, the more you have, the more crammed your space will be and you will not be in a woking atmosphere. The most important advice I would tell myself is to keep well organized, not only physically with labels and dividers, but also mentally. Having a clear and focused mind will help through the toughest situations that you will face.
The first thing I would tell myself if I went back to my senior year of high school is to relax and really think about what I want from life. I didn't really think about anything and just went with the flow not realizing what was really going on. I'd also tell myself to think about myself before I made any decisions about anything. Being worried about what parents, friends, boyfriends, coaches, teachers or whomever are going to think isn't helpful at all. I was so worried about pleasing my parents, that I didn't do what I wanted to do until years later. Taking time to evaluate things is key, and I would defintely tell my eighteen year old self that if I could because I never knew that when I was thinking about my options for higher education.
As a high school senior i did not think about the money aspect of college, just where I wanted to attend. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to save, save, save for college. I would tell myself to apply for every scholarship and grant offered. I would let myself know that you may not get all the scholarships or grant you applied for but you may just get enough to pay for your college education. If you dont get enough to pay for college enter into work study programs at the college of your choice. These programs will also help you pay for college.