Keep doing what you're doing. Save your money and be persistent about learning. Be open-minded and don't be too quick to dismiss an idea. You're growing and as your body grows so does your mind. Experience helps you grow and you're going to be growing a lot mentally in the next few years. Savor the wonderful experiences and learn from the tough ones. Be respectful and people will respect you. Let yourself grow. Let yourself bloom.
The only advice I would have for myself and for anyone else going to college is to just do what you want to do. No matter what other people say, no matter how many times they'll tell you not to, you need to go for it. If there was going to be something you had to do for the rest of your life as a career, you have to make sure that it's something you love doing. Otherwise its not worth your time and energy. Go to college to learn WHAT YOU WANT TO LEARN. You know how they say "do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life"? Those are words to live by. Study your passion, live your passion.
Dear High School Jessica,
I am here, 10 years after graduating high school, still trying to achieve a bachelor's degree. Please forget about working full time and trying to go to school at the same time as it is very difficult to concentrate on these two very important parts of your life and achieve the exceptional quality work to both your job and your school that we both know we so greatly desire. Attend school for the degree your heart wants, not just what your brain thinks will make you the most money. What is in a job that you don't enjoy? Dissatisfaction and constant searching for the happiness you so crave when you get into a field just because it will pay the bills. You love photography and the arts... do not listen to those who tell you that you should get a science or business degree, because even though you excel in science, it's just an aptitude, not happiness.
Jessica, you have the ability to create whatever it is you want. Forget inhibitions and pursue thy dreams and the Universe will give it to you.
Namaste from your older and wiser self,
I would tell myself to not rush into anything and to be more careful with my money
Advice I would give to high school seniors would be to make sure they are going for their dream and to make certain it is something they want to do. Also, not to rush anything. As human beings, we never rush anything we enjoy and that should apply to what you want to foundation of your life to grow from. Read the fine print, especially when dealing with loans and financial aid. Always be prepared, keep your guard up, and stay on your toes because it'll be quite the learning experience. Not just what you'll be learning in class, but what you are learning about yourself.
The advice would be to learn more about the career benefits of college and to determine what kind of career, not just major, I am interested in. I struggled with finding a school option that I wanted, I could afford and my family approved of. I am glad about the school I chose but the choice would have been easier and faster if I didn't take into consideration my familys opinions so much.
The biggest thing I would change about my senior year of high school would be my money spending habits. If I would have saved my money then, I would be so much better off now. I would also like to tell myself to be brave and just go for what I want and let go of my inhibitions. I think it's important to always think about how the decisions I make now will affect my future.
To never give up on myself - to work harder at school, get a job and save up some money. To not waste time with petty friends and broken hearts, because a year later I would find the greatest friends and the most amazing man a woman could ever find. To just keep believing.
Enrique there are a couple things you should know before deciding to attend the Academy of Art. First of all everything is ridiculously over priced and that includes the dorms so save yourself some trouble and live off campus. Also when your looking for a place to lease in San Francisco avoid the Tenderloin and Mission Districts because your laptop will be stolen right out of your apartment. Secondly remember and keep in mind that everything you do at AAU is for the higher purpose of becoming a fashion designer and lastly feel proud of yourself for deciding to become a fashion student. You made a private decision by yourself and stuck by it despite all the criticism and disapproval from family. Your brave and I could not have done the same today. Besides they will come around before you know it.
I would advice myself to take my time looking for good housing, with compatible roommates and a good (clean) living situation, since that can cause a lot of stress on top of all the homework required and my part-time job.