Academy of Art University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Academy of Art University know before they start?


Research! Trends and where the market are going will effect your overall employability in the next 5 years. Stay ontop of the latest and greatest, specialised fields are poping up everywhere. Take a minuite to think things over, look at every option as if you were helping a friend out with this decision, remove any sort of bias. Is this something that you want? or something that you need? Look at student loans, and start building credit.


I wouldn't give myself any advice. I like the path I've chosen, and I don't have any regrets. I believe I made all the right decisions for myself. In high school I was focused on succeeding in art, and I still am.


The number one mistake that parents make is sending their children to college just because "they gotta do something". Sometimes it is really better for young adults to take a year off from school to see what they want to do in life before they make such an important decision. Especially nowadays, when education costs are sky-rocketing, people should really take everything into consideration until they can truly say that they are ready. Apart from the obvious alternatives such as the university's rank in certain fields, what majors it offers, or how much it costs, one should take into account other aspects of college. First of all, location is really the key. For example, not everyone does well in an urban setting, some prefer secluded campuses. Moreover, one should look at the extracurricular activities, size of the classes, and the equipment offered. Finally, parents and students should calculate the cost-benefit ratio and see if going to that college will provide the students with an education that will serve as the door to a prosperous future in the careers of their choice.


The best thing to do is fine a school that you can feel at home with, one were you learn and can feel like you can learn a great deal of thing. The school that i go to is an art shool and its very hard to compare your work with others but i find that it makes me wish to do better and so the next time a do better. That is the kind of school i think people need. friends and family are the most important to me so that was one way i picked my school. Getting a good experience is all about what you want to get out of it, find some were with things you want to do. My school is in the city so there is a lot to do but after i can go home and relax if i want to do that to.


I advise that they work their hardest to make it into the best school. I have learned from going to my school that attending a college that focuses strictly on your major is the best way to go. I highly sugges living in hte dorms for as long as you can too, you meet tons of new friends that way.


Speaking as student who was not the best in math, or science, my family and I decided go to enroll in schools that played my strengths not my weakness. For instance I am very strong in engilsh and I have a very good interests in sports broadcasting and journalism. Not to mention, I have played sports most of life. Another strong aspect that my family and I looked at was my interest level, work ethic, and study habits. As a student I'd rather go to a school that will keep me interested and keep me wanting to do my best in a subject or program that plays to my strengths. College is not hard, students make it hard, by not studying and not doing the work, in these low economic times why send a student to school for them not to be interested and force them to learn something that does not interest them. Parents listen to your students and play to their strengths and watch them overexceed your expectations and succeed in and enjoy their college experience in the process.


After my last two years of college I've realized that it's not the teachers, it's not the parties, it's not the friends that you find in your campus that makes it great, it's all about the location. I never felt more at home, or more happier, than I did when I started going to school in San Francisco at the Academy of Art University. I instantly fell in love with the loud noise, the busy streets, the thousands of coffee shops, and millions of unique people I've met. It may not seem like it's the most important aspect to look at when deciding which college to go to, but if your location brings you great friends, nice places to study, fun places to go during breaks, and brings you genuine happiness, it makes it all the more easier to stay focused on your studies. I'm sure we can all admit that the happier you are, the easier it is to get just about anything done. The best advice I could give anyone is to stay on top of your homework, meet as many people as you can, and be yourself. (:


Encourage students or children to seek out internships for the experience required when you enter the industry.


Make sure you go visit the college to get a feel for the environment. Also talk to the finacial aid people at each college they may have different but good advaice for you. to the student, do what make you happy not what makes the money and don't rush into to anything. You may find you like something new during your intro classes, declaring a major isnt too important your first or even second semester.


The best school out there is a school that would push you to sucess and offer you multiple degrees in the same curiculum sush as (AA) Associates of Art, (BA) Bachaelor , a Master and so much more!!!. Sometimes parents can get overwhelm and intemiated by prices but it's not always about the money, it's about what the school have to offer. Try looking at the classes and getting knowing a few of the teachers and see what level of degree they have. It's more benficial you the parents and child to go to the open houses as well then to look at all the information online. Overall, looking deep into the school that cares about your education , helps you to thrive into sucess, and have so much to offer is the best way to go plus it benifits you in the very end.