Academy of Art University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Academy of Art University know before they start?


First and foremost, I have received a higher education. This includes knowledge beyond high school academics and information more applicable to my life and career choice. I have created a goal for myself and intend to achieve it. That goal is to become a clinical psychologist and in order to do so; I must continue my schooling at a minimum of a master?s degree. I am one step closer to my goal every year and I intend to pursue it relentlessly. Thanks to my persistent college attendance every semester I am able to see my dreams come closer to fruition, and for this, my college experience is more than valuable. It is my life, my everything; it helps mold who I am and who I will become.


So far, I have completed several courses online. I chose to take classes from the Art Institute of Pittsburg Online Division since I had originally planed to attend at the Art Institute of Seattle and my credits would be easily transferable. I recently changed my mind on the college I will be attending to The Academy of Art University. I picked AAU because I feel it holds a stronger accreditation in comparison with similar institutes that focus on the field of Video game design. Which leads me to my point; I have found that college plans can change easily and it is important to keep options open. It is also important to apply for extra help when eligible.


I have learned that the harder you work at something, the better your reward will be. If you like to take a lot of shortcuts it will be more difficult to succeed, it is better to put all of your effort into any committments you make. AAU has been so valuable to attend because I feel like the information that is taught in each course is very fundamental and concrete. I also feel that I am gaining a lot of valuable knowledge from people that actually work in the field.


As a high school senior in a very public school, I slacked off because I got A's without any effort. I had participated in many clubs and activities as an underclassman, but my school spirit lost its vigor as time passed. If I could talk to my lax self of old, I would harangue about the necessity of applying oneself, getting ahead, and enjoying high school. I was so focused on exiting high school promptly (I graduated in three years as a result of an accelerated course load) that I failed to stop and smell the high school spirit. My lesson to my harried sixteen year old self is to honestly, just have fun. By fun I mean innocent, teenage fun, not the fun I found with older friends in dangerous places. Good luck.


Don't panic. Believe in yourself and save your money wisely. Remember that the friends you have now will be there in the future if they really care about you. You will also make many new friends, see lots of new sites, and meet some great teachers(and not so great teachers). Take the best advice you can from your teachers and ask for help from your fellow students. Ignore jealousy or rudeness from other classmates who may not care for you. Give yourself a break once and a while and enjoy the new environment you are in. This is the start of your great adult life!


Dawn, What I've found most valuable in this journey is to act as it if it were impossible to fail and it will be. Determination and a lot of support from family and advisers has gotten you this far. So one thing you'll have to learn quickly is that you can't do this on your own no matter how much you'd like to think so. Also, you're not as awesome as you think you are. There are thousands of artists out there that have forgotten more than you know, so start looking at yourself realistically. You have so much to learn; act like it. You have a brilliant future ahead of you if you can just push through all of the rough spots. Tough times come for everyone, but if you can stay focused things will fall into place as they were meant to. If you strive to do your best at everything you attempt, no one can ask or expect anything more. And don't forget; you have value. No matter what; your opinions, thoughts and ideas are important too. Your creativity is unlike anyone elses and WILL make a difference. Love, Me...ummyou


Many times I have thought about what I would say to myself if I was able to go back in time and impart some "elderly wisdom" on my high school self. The main thing I would say would be, "Know exactly what you're going to school for and why, realize the hard work it takes and the advantages a degree will give you, and work your hardest to fulfill your number one priority: school." I did not attend college right out of high school for this vary reason but many (if not all) of my friends did go straight to school and for many of them, it did not turn out as rewarding. Many have lost their scholarships, dropped out, or decided to take one or more semesters off to focus on what they really wanted to do in life. In turn, many have wasted money, resources, and time because they were unclear or uncertain of what they wanted to do in life. College is more then continuing school, partying, and meeting new people. It's one of the most important decisions we get the opportunity to make and the outcome shapes who we are as people forever.


If I could go back in time and have a conversation with myself during my senior year, I would tell her to slow down and enjoy the last year of high school, because patience plays a huge part in college life. Before I left she would know that she is not expected to rip herself away from her parents and face the world alone, but that college will be a time when she needs her parents the most. She would also know that college should not be thought of as a scary place, but should be viewed as a transitioning period into the real world. I would also tell her that time management is a MUST, because she will have to be able to prioritize her schedule so that her work will always be completed, but will also have time for fun to enjoy this important part in her life. The most important thing that she would know is that college is really not the "real world" as many people have said; but a period in life that slowly transitions you from a dependent teen, into an independent adult ready for what life has in store.


Don't push too hard. I know you were an over achiever in high school and never gave yourself a day off, but you need to take your time in collage. Your classes are harder, and you need time to complete assignments. Don't take 5 classes a semester and burn yourself out so quickly. And don't forget to allow yourself to relax. Too much stress makes your creativity and quality of work suffer. And last but not least, rely on your friends and family. Your support structure will help you and your friends will help you brainstorm and make your work better. You work well in group settings., it motivates you and gets your creativity flowing, so be more social and make more friends from class so that you can do group brainstorming sessions. And don't forget to have fun.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself not to rush. Time is precious and patients in more precious. To learn is to listen and listening is the key to success. In order to stay focus, follow not with the crowd, but with your head. Right now might be a struggle and feeling lost is easily able to do, but it doesn't mean to give up. Things do not get easier; they become more capable to do as knowledge is gained. In order to receive that knowledge it must first be taught, so stay in school, because that?s where successful individuals are made.