Academy of Art University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Academy of Art University know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior. I would probably start of telling myself that I should pay more attention to the little things the teachers would say . Take better notes , and focus a bit more on school then my extra curricular activity. Life isnt easy I knew how life was going to be, but I would have prepared myself a bit more. I would tell myself to be more outgoing speak out more, because in the classes and the career I am going for involves me to speak out to patients, and make presentations and present them to my classmates. Tell myself to save more money, and be more aware of scholarship oportunities. Take extra classes and find help to choose better scholarships and learn more about school opprtunities. I am fine with how I am right now in school eventually I got the help I should have gotten before, now all I need is to be able to get more money for my classes. I am working two jobs and helping support my family well mainly Im supporting them right now, and I could use all the help I can get.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school student I would tell myself to pay more attention in class. I would tell myself to get organized so you can complete your work in a timely manner. I would have explained to myself the importance of knowing all the staff at your school. I also would have told myself that an associate degree is only the start of higher education. I would have explained to myself that college is not cheap and therefore is a valuable asset to cherish. Lastly, I would have told myself there is help out there if you need it you just have to seek it.


If I could go back to myself as high school senior, knowing what i know now about college, I would tell myself to not rush and to look into the financial part of college more. The mistake I made, when making the transition into college, was not wanting to wait. I do not regret the college i chose, but I wish I could have researched more about the price and what kind of scholarships I could have applied for. Being 18 years old, anxious to get out the house and discover the world on my own was not a very good mind set to have when making the transition to college. I probably would have seriously thought about community college first to get the general classes out the way for a cheaper cost. After telling my old self all this information, I would probably still tell her to just go for it. If i had not went to college right after high school, I would have talked myself out of going to college all together. That would have been the worst mistake of my life.


Assuming that by some miracle Doctor Who's teleporting telephone booth could take me to my high school senior self, I would advise myself to dilligently apply for several scholarships and grants. Considering that the economy has been in the gutter for several years, as well as college fees being as they are expensive, I would not want to be shoulder deep in debt for almost a decade after graduating. Another good advise is not to be too trusting fo people. Its practically a take-and-never-give-back kind of world. Learn to pick out certain individuals who will not betray you for their own petty reasons.


Firstly I would say that I made the correct decision in my college choice. Secondly I would most likely not give away too many details as to what to watch out for while moving to college. I dont want to deprive "myself" from a college experience. I feel that if I warned myself about the lesson I learned in life while away at college I would not have the same great experience that I did. Plus I feel that if I told myself about all these things to watch out for, or gave myself a lot of advice I would probably become overwhelmed and not live life to the fullest. It would be an interesting experience going back to see myself as a high school senior, extremely excited to embark on the path ahead. I would just tell myself to not limit my experiences and to try to learn and enjoy as much as possible.


If I could go back as a college senior I would of told myself that I could make it. My mother left us when I was 6. I had been neglected growing up. My dad did all he could, but could not meet those needs. I had very low self esteem. Because of that I struggled. I think If I never gave up I would of not turned aside and wasted my life and time. Now I am older. I came through 18 years of abuse and 2 of my three children have been in and out of the hospital for 30+ times for emotional issues because of my exhusband. I had to care for them. Now I have picked up the brush again and get many "LIKES" from facebook as I post my art. So I decided to go back and finish my BA degree and go for Illustration and Graphic design. My youngest ran off and because of her age I can not do anything. It is part of her illness. She does things spontanously and without reason. I am hoping as a freelance artist I could be here for my other daughter and work.


Dear Lisa, As you complete your senior year in college, I would like to give you a little advice. The world is a very big place, and there is abundant opportunity for you to pursue and excel in the things which you are actually passionate about. Dont be discouraged by the fact that most of the adults in your life promote a very narrow view of education and the path to personal success. The world needs creative individuals who are brave enough to follow their instincts and their dreams. Communities and educational opportunities exist which can enrich your experience and potential as an artist, and direct your efforts in very productive ways. I encourage you to research art schools, and to pursue their offerings as a means of furthering your skills and opening your eyes to new ideas and new processes. Be inspired, surround yourself with others who are similarly inspired, and following their dreams. Dont be deterred by individuals who have given up on their own dreams, and would encourage you to do the same. Keep moving forward, keep your eye on the ball, and you will succeed.


As a high school senior, I didn't place value on education. Learning, yes, but education from an institution, no. If I could talk some sense into my past self, I would try to hammer home the ceiling one quickly encounters without a degree or letters after their name. As the world is today, being a spunky, clever and hard worker doesn't mean you'll make money for the bills! A college degree doesn't guarantee that either, but it does make it easier in every way.


This past year at Academy of Art University, I've had many complaints about tuition and my inability to pay for school. So when you ask; 'why it's valuable to attend', six months ago I would have said, it's not. I would have said there is no value to attend, there is only debt and headaches aquired. I would have said I've gotten nothing but heartache out of my college experience, in regards to the loans I will have to repay once I am out of school. However, six months later and I realize the value is not in the attendence or the school. The value is in education. To have the knowledge to succeed, the better life, the ability to reach new limits in life. These are the things that I'm paying for. In this perspective, the headaches and debt is worth all the money in the world. I don't mind making sacrifices that can better my future because my future is the most valuable thing to me and attending this school will do just that, I will do just that.


Skills and knowledge in my field of study that I wouldn't have gotten at a community college or regular university. Because it's an art school with a large and well-respected department specifically for my major, I receive valuable training from teachers who are currently working professionals in the industry, and are up-to-date with practices and technology.