The only advice that I would give myself is to practice better time management and to try my best. I would tell myself that College is extremely difficult and tedious but if you’re passionate about your field of study you can succeed. I would tell myself that the professors aren’t there to shoot me down; they give critique to help you pass. But most importantly I would tell myself that dreams will always be dreams unless you have the courage to pursue them. so suck up your pride wide your tears and study study study. college is what you make it.
Amy, be strong. Life is not going to be easy. Support Adam, he needs you more than you know. Don't forget that you are important too, even if no one treats you that way, or thanks you. You are the glue holding this family together, without you it may very well self implode. You're going to make it, God made you strong, stronger than you realize. You're smart, smarter than you give yourself credit for. Forget about what's happened in the past, you've already learned your lessons, dwelling on it will only inhibit your future. Go back to school sooner rather than later, your parents are never going to help you pay for it, so stop holding your breathe! Don't forget to lean on Adam, you need him just as much as he needs you, he will hold you up when you're tired of always having to be so strong. There's no need to lament about not having a childhood, just focus more on giving your kids a good one. Don't forget, this is your family, they need you to be here to love them and support them emotionally and financially.
I would tell myself to work harder at the beginning and not make any mistakes. Being decisive is key when trying to start a new school. You need to know for sure what you want to do and what you want from life. Work hard to achieve your goals and the benefits are endless.
I would say joe forget the girls and the street live, dadacate your live to school and by the age of 40 years you will have a grate career and every thing else
Hello Maggie,
Before you go to college you need to know a few things.
One its going to be tough.
Two take as many college classes in high school as possible it will be worth it later.
Three save your money.
Four don't be embarrassed you dont know the answer, thats why you are in school.
Five take lots and lots and lots of notes, you're paying to learn you might as well remember it.
Six ignore boys, your school work is your boyfriend.
Seven, just have fun. Its going to be stressful but it will be the time of your life if you let it!
Love your older self Margaret
I would tell myslef the sooner you know in your heart what you want to do, no matter what you're faced with. "Do it and never turn back" listen with your heart and not what you see or not see. Time waits for no one and tomorrow is never guaranteed. Do what you love, not what make sense. If you are not happy with your career, why are you living? What is your purpose? When you're at peace and confident where you are you are more available to help others along the way. I would tell myself to be your own support system even when your friends and family are not! Do your research, network get out and meet people that are just as passionate and driven just like you, or more so that you can see the fruits of your labor "Success". I didn't get the opportunity to to school right away, but I'm here now. Had I been able to, I beleive things may have been a lot easier for me. Stay driven when things are good and when they're bad and I promise you will never look back and have any regrets.
I would go back and tell my high school senior self to take advantage of all the after school tutor programs, take as much information in as possible, spend as much time studying as you need, do well on tests and try your best because in college you have to pay even if you dont do well. I would tell myself to be open minded and keep a smile on my face. College can be fun but scholl only gets harder the longer your enrolled. I would say to myself, make sure you do your research on schools and programs, start now. Try and find volunteer positions in the feilds you think your interested in to gain real life experience. Join clubs and be active in the community. I would tell myself to enjoy where I was at, i would say this only happens once so make it count. College can be very exciting, stressful and enjoyable, it just depends on how you view the experience.
If I could go back in time, I'd tell myself to make the decision without hesitation. Choosing to pursue a degree in the arts is an extremely difficult decision that I had to make. During high school, I had spent 4 years achieving nothing but good grades in AP/Honors courses, but my heart wasn't there. My passion was art, and I continued to deny it until nearly the deadline to apply to the college I attend now. My reason was the money, the risks, the family disappointment. I feared lacking the funds to pay for a private art school, the risk of losing in a gamble to rise among fellow competitive art majors, and the disappointment of my parents who expected me to pursue a medical career. It was definitely a decision that required confidence, which I had sorely lacked at the time. If I could go back, I would tell myself what I tell myself now. Go big or go home. There is only one life, one chance. There are no regrets, only learning experiences. Choose what will make you happiest, not what will make you wealthiest.
Stay with it. I made some mistakes that cost me many life experiences and as an adult you don't get the chances you have as a kid. College later in life is not nearly as much fun as when your a kid because life gets in the way. Think about everything you do and what may happen as a result because once a decision is made its forever!
The advice I would give myself is that my education would have been my first priority than choosing to get married and having children. I know that it takes a degree to be able to live a different lifestyle than not having a degree. I would have studied and made better grades in my sophmore year of school and would have received a scholarship that could have paid for me to attend college. I should have listen to my mother's advice. She said "Glenda one day you are going to regret that you did not go to college." My mom was right