Auburn University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Auburn University?


I like some of the classes alot and then others not so much. Some of the teachers are too old and should not be teaching. I think they should offer more classes where you can figure out what you want to do with your life.


I am a business major, and most of my classes are huge! In order for my professor to know my name, I have to go to his office frequently. I feel that freshmen year, most students don't study as much as they should; but I've realized I study much more than I ever have. I normally study every week day (sometimes Sunday's) for about 3-4 hours unless I have a test that week I study much more than that. Class paricipating is very common, even in my larger classes students will speak up and say what they think the answer is or their opinion. I feel the education here is both toward getting a job and the sake for knowing.


Professors know my name. I do not have a favorite class or a least favorite class. How often students study depends on how the football or men's basketball teams are doing. Class participation is more common than you think, though it depends on the course. Most of the conversations outside of class centered around football and school spirit. Overall, students are fairly competitive. Middle East Politics is the most unique class that I have taken because of the timeliness of it and because I, like most Americans, do not know much about the Middle East (for example, the difference between Sunni Muslims and Shiitte Muslims). The Public Administration major has two tracks: Public Administration and Public Policy; but I can take classes in both tracks. The Political Science Department is a diverse group in personality and interest. I do not spend as much time with professors outside class as I like to or need to. Auburn's academic requirements are good for the University to last over 150 years, though with the growing interest of prospective students, I expect the academic standards to get tougher. The education at Auburn seems to be geared toward getting a job.


Professors only know my name if I am in their class. - My favorite classes were my History 1 class and my Public Speaking class my freshman year. Both were really fun because of the teachers. - My least favorite was World Lit 2 and History 2 because both teachers were hard and boring. - I'm not sure how often students study. - If the class is fun, the class participation is high. But you always have the smart kids who participate no matter what. - Yes, I've had some intellectual conversations outside of class, but I cannot say for other students. - Yes, students are competitive if they care about their grades. - My most unique class was World Lit 1 class. The teacher engaged students in very detailed and thorough discussions. - My major is Journalism. Not much to say. - The only time I've hung out with professors outside of class was at the bars, but they were very young professors. - Auburn's academic requirements are good and require decent grades in order to be accepted. - Yes, in some classes they prepare you for getting a job or equiping students with the skills needed for a job.


Most of my education professors knew my name after one or two class sessions, but many of the mathematics professors were more distant and impersonal. My favorite class ever was probably Honors Human Odyssey. All we did was wrote papers every three weeks and discussed the papers and the readings. My professors for that class (there were two) were great at generating debate, and I loved to discourse with the other intelligent students in my section. I have never spent time with professors outside of class, although I have visited the offices of a few of them the semester after I earned my credit. The education at Auburn is fairly balanced. I would say that learning for its own sake has just as much prominence as preparing for a career.


Our professors are the friendliest ones that you'll ever meet. You do have to study for test, but class participation makes them much easier. Every singles class at Auburn is unique in it's own way because of the professors. our school is definitely geared towards getting the best educations to get the best job.


Professors of small classes know my name but I don't expect my lecture teachers to know who I am, it's a class of 300 students. I love my English classes because they are more intimate and everyone knows everyone. My least favorite class would probably be Physics only because I hate math. Most students study pretty often, the library is huge so everyone can find a place to sit down and do work. Most classes try to incorporate participation.


Big school but they do a very good job personalizing everything. If you make a little effort, you can accoplish everything you need. The Engineering Dept is amazing and as a soon to be junior, I still do not have any complaints.


The engineering department at Auburn is very serious. The teachers expect the best from every student and they expect us to want the best from them. Personally, I am very competitive in my classes. Being an engineer is challenging enough but wanting to be the best engineer out of the thirty in my class inspires me to do well in my classes. The education level at Auburn University is no joke. The university does not want slackers or people who just want to be here to party. They want the "best of the best" and expect every single one of their students to want to be the best.


-Professors Do know your name -Classes with labs end up being my favorite -Study - 50+ hours a week -Engineer students are competitive -Dynamics of Robots -Engineering Department is awesome! -Yes see some professors outside of class -Moving on up in Academics...Need more scholorships for Freshman -Geared toward getting a job