Auburn University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Auburn University?


favorite class history


Depending on the size of the class, my professors do know my name. Again, depending on the class, participation is common. Right now, because I'm a freshman, most of my classes are just ordinary and I have to take them to get into my major so none of them are unique or interesting.


I think Auburn has awesome academics, and I feel like my degree will mean more then if I had a degree from any other school. The only thing that is annoying is they don't offer enough classes, and registring as a freshman, I had to get classes I didn't want to take just because everything was full. Even for core classes that everybody has to take only one or two classes would be available.


I am majoring in fashion design and all of my professors in that school know my name. However, in other's such has history and chemistry they do not. I do not feel that my major should be required to take two years of chemistry, it is a waste of time.


In most of my undergrad classes my professors didn't know my name, but now that I'm in classes more of my major, I have a better relationship with teachers. Some classes are really hard to get into, philosophy classes are one of the hardest. There also aren't many class times for classes I have to take so there's no way for me to do my schedule so I could also have a job. Some of my professors are very helpful, but most are not, even though theys say thats what their jobs are. Academic requirements are rising, but still seen as a lower school. And education isn't really geared toward anything, I barely feel like I'm learning things in my classes. In one of them I do so much busy work it seems pointless.


My favorite classes are the fashion classes!


favorite so far was global consumer culture and also my favorite teacher. she was young so it was easy to relate to her and she related to the class well. its frustrating having a teacher that does not understand that we are grown up college students and for the most part we are mature. i think auburn's academic requirements are set appropriately and could even been risen slightly. currently i am in apparel merchandising with a minor in business and while the business classes are tough i feel so far they have given me a good idea of what the busines world is all about.


academics are decent, some to easy, some to hard.


I have a mixture between big classes where my teachers dont know my name and smaller classes where they do which i really like. Usually these bigger classes dont take role which is always nice. The smaller classes usually require a lot of teacher-student interaction which is usually why classes are like that.


love professors and classes... hard to get COMM classes but once youre in them theyre great..