Auburn University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Auburn University?


I would not have chosen to go to Auburn if their academic system was not excellent. My professors do know my name, but it is the responsibility of the student to take advantage of office hours and extra help on papers to get to know their professors. They certainly do not have the time to come looking for you. Class participation is very common, considering most teachers take that into consideration when calculating final grades. It is unfortunate that in rare situations a student will come to Auburn as a freshman and get a bit carried away with no parental supervision and wind up losing sight of why he/she is there in the first place. However, this is the fault of the student and nothing else. Resources are easily accessible, the library stays open 24/7 and even serves Starbucks!


i would say that i hated my marriage and family class. my teacher was so boring. i have never spent time outside of class with a teacher, that might be weird.


In smaller classes, professors make it a point to know your name, they often have print outs of kids pictures so they can match a face and a name before they even know you. In bigger classes, if you go to your professors office hours they will get to know your name, but if you are just a face in a crowd of 300+ students, it is impossible for the professor to just know your name. My favorite classes I have taken so far are my english classes. My english classes have been small and personal and have really helped me grow as a writer. My least favorite classes are concepts of science and geology. Both of these classes I have had incredibly hard and foreign professors in. Students study often, the library is always crowded with students meeting up to study in groups, or studying alone in cubbies. Class participation is required in smaller classes and labs, a huge part of your grade will come from it. In bigger classes it is not so much participation as attendance, either signing in and out before and after class or using a clicker to do in class "quizzes" to show your professor you are there in a class of 300 or more students. Students can be competitive, mostly among friends to see who did better on a test in a class you have together and things like that. The most unique class I have taken is probably geology, specifically my lab. It was unique because it was so hands on and just an all around new experience for me. My major is political science/ pre-law. Since I am only a freshman, I am only taking my core liberal arts classes, but starting my sophomore year, I will be starting my major classes such as government classes. The only time I spend with professors outside of class would be to attend office hours. I think that Auburn's core classes are helpful, they differ depending on the school you are in, but overall they will help you in whatever field you are in, which is the main point of them. I think that education at Auburn is geared towards both learning for its own sake and for getting a job.


Most professors make it a point to learn every students name; although, of course there are exceptions. I took an elective, Law and Society, last semester because i didn't have enough hours, and to my surprise, i loved the class! My professor was brilliant and made the class interesting. The worst class, i'm sure many students would agree, was microeconomics. I like my professor, but it's nearly impossible to make that class interesting. Every so often students will have intellectual conversations outside of class, i particularly enjoy them.


I am currently a public relations major but have applied to journalism. The classes at Auburn have pretty much been good for me. I am not a math and science person so those were the hardest. I think that the best class I have taken was my journalism entry class. It was the most useful and I learned a lot. In my experience, most of my teachers have been helpful. Sometimes you do get that teacher that just teaches and that's it, but I have not had many of those. Most of my classes have students that are very involved in class discussions, and that definitely helps learning. Some of the requirements to me seem too difficult, especially the core requirements. For liberal arts, I have to take 2 science classes with lab and microeconomics. Maybe it is just because I do not like these that I don't think we should have to take them! I do like the journalism curriculum though. Like I said before, my journalism class was the most interesting and my professor was probably the best I have had so far at Auburn(he did move though). I guess the reason we do take the classes we do for the core is because it IS a liberal arts education. I have been very pleased with my grades and assignments given. I started in pre-pharmacy in the College of Science and Math. To me, these were the most helpful and knowledgeable advisors. They knew what I needed to take and when to take it. They also knew answers to every question I asked and knew who I was when I walked in. All in all, I think that academics at Auburn are very good. Most professors are willing to help and are fair. Classes are a good size to wehre professors can learn your name and help you one on one.