California State University-Long Beach Top Questions

What should every freshman at California State University-Long Beach know before they start?


I have better understanding of people from different cultures and backgrounds. My college experience has taught me how to appreciate other cultures, and how to work along with people who were brought up different from me. A very important trait a person must have to succeed in any career field is to be able to work with different people. I remember taking several classes that discuss the importance of multiculturalism and diversity in Education and in the work place. My education experience in valuable to me because I plan to teach high school and college level students. As a perspective educator, it is important that I am able to work with different people in helping them reach their academic goals in life. In many cases, I will be dealing with students from a different country or culture, and I have to find out ways to help the students understand the materials in terms of their own culture.


I am what is considered a "non-traditional" student who is going back to school after being in the workforce for nearly 20 years. My experience returning to school has been a wonderful challenge and experience thus far. I have been slowly completing all my prerequisites to apply to the RN Nursing Program at College of DuPage. I was thrilled when 2 months ago I received word that I had been accepted into the fall program! I think a college education is imperative for success and I am thrilled to begin my journey. I know that today's students face so many challenges, especially those that are now returning to school, balancing families, and working as well as being a full-time student. It can truly be exhausting, but I know that the reward in the end will be well worth the time and effort. I can't wait to begin this next "chapter" in my life!


I have learned a lot in my classes, but the memories I have made with friends is far more important to me. I am learning how to be a responsible adult, and it is one of the best experiences of my life.


During my years at Long Beach State I have learned many important values that have led me to life changing decisions. I was taught to truly have patience while taking classes to become an elementary teacher. There was volunteer observation hours at elementary schools that were required to become a teacher and patience was definitely an asset to have. I also needed patience to study, read, and learn the skills to become an educator. I proved to others that I had the patience to teach, learn, observe, and learn from my mistakes. Patience was also a character trait that was important for students and faculty to see. As of today, I still am very patient in all the things I do.


I have met with many teachers who have inspired to me to go to law school and have faith that I can achieve all my goals. They are willing to open doors for me in the criminal justice fields and have invited me to take place in activities that not many students get the chance to. I have joined many clubs and have even become involved in student senate. I am going to partake in study abroad this summer because of these very same teachers. I can't wait for law school, I can't wait to get into the FBI, and I never would have gotten here if it weren't for this school and my teachers. I always knew that I wanted to work for the FBI, but I never knew how I could get there. My teachers had all the answers that I needed, and they are setting me on the right track.


When I accepted to attend CSULB I was scared, I doubted I?d make any friends and assumed I was just going to sit, learn and leave back home to study. However, once I stepped foot onto CSULB my assumptions were proven completely wrong. What I got out of my college experience was much more than I would ever imagine. First of all and most importantly I found myself, I found the major I adore, psychology. I?m learning about it each day and am getting closer to profiling my dream of working with and helping people. I?ve experience things I have never before and doubt I would have, not attending college. I made lifelong friendships, meet different people from all kinds of places and learned interesting things from their life experiences. I got to overcome my timidness and actually got to know my professors. I joined PSA the psychology student association and am currently going to join PsiChi the society of honor students in psychology. Attending college has been extremely valuable to me it made an impact on my present and future. I acquired things I wouldn?t have elsewhere and wouldn?t change it for the world.


Attending college has broaden my general knowledge, allowed me a chance to learn social skills that I need in order to become a successful nurse, and instilled a better sense of discipline in my life. What I learn in college will stay with me through out my lifetime. The education I receive here will help me to achieve my goal to be a nurse. Without college I wouldn't have as bright of a future.


College is valuable to attend for the lessons I learned. The beginning to my future. My so-far college experience has been absolutely life changing. It seems that when I entered college I actually grew up, even though I thought I already had. I never had a broken bone before, but a week before class, there I was, in a cast for my fifth metatarsal being snapped. About two weeks later my laptop crashed, rendering all of my assignments and essays that I completed useless. About a month after that, I had to sell my first car by myself for near scrap metal after the engine blew right on the 91 freeway on the way home from CSULB. Finally, when turning a corner too fast my sister?s car (that she let me borrow) bounded off a 200 foot cliff, three weeks before finals. I could say that I learned to walk down stairs more slowly, to backup my computer every week to a flash drive, to maintain my car, and to take corners more slowly, but the most valuable lesson I gained when I went to college is from Friedrich Nietzsche: ?What does not kill you, makes you stronger.?


I would let myself know that college is completely different from high school. I am responsible for all my work, my professor will fail me if I slack off. I would tell myself to balance my social life and school life and not stay out late and miss morning class. Also to take my academics more seriously than I did my freshmen year. Also to try and get into extracurriculars sooner and work to getting to where I want to be in grad school sooner.


Look here Miss ?Know-it-all? I have some important life lessons to bestow upon you that I believe are worth their weight in gold. Never mind who I am, please just know I am about to give you some powerful advice making you unstoppable as a college student. Get your head out of the books for a few minutes and start applying for scholarships now! You need to do whatever it takes in order to receive scholarships. Trust me on this or your unpaid student loans will haunt you. Listen up! Do not stress over the small things in life. You will encounter moments of extreme stress due to your educational and personal responsibilities. You can relieve this stress by taking time to do something enjoyable. One more thing before I go, make sure your AM/PM selector on your alarm clock is always set in the right position so you get to school on time.