California State University-Long Beach Top Questions

What should every freshman at California State University-Long Beach know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior back in 2008, I would tell myself that I am making the correct choice and to be more optimistic. As a high school senior I had been accepted into Sacramento State University and I had my hopes set high. In the end, I decided it was best to attend a community college first then transfer into a university. It was not really my choice but more my parents choice. They were going to help me pay for my education and universities are expensive. At first I felt ashamed because my classmates were attending universities while I went to community college. Now I realize how much time and money I saved myself and my parents. I would also tell myself that I am a great person and great people do great things. I would tell myself that college is great and it takes time but someday it will be worth it.


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell her to take more science and math classes. I was in regular and advanced choir with a bad teacher and I believe I should have never should have taken those classes because they nothing more than playtime classes and that is not what school should be. I should have taken more AP classes or at least harder classes including science classes and I should've gotten more involved in activities besides the tennis team. I would have told myself a long time ago to find out what I wanted to do so I could be more prepared to go to college. I should've decided my major in high school so I can find better suited universities that have a prestigious major program that I would be interested in. If I knew earlier what I wanted I could have chosen a university that would be more prestigious but more likely expensive, so I should have also had a job in high school to get experience in the real world and find financial support other than my parents, like my savings, wages, and especially scholarships.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise my self to prepare for the college life. It is more difficult that it is said to be. I would tell myself to study ahead of time and not to procastinate every time there is an assignment due. Time is very precious when it come to managing your social, work, and school time. Another thing that I would advise myself to do is not to depend on others. Also knowing that my friends aren't going to the same school as me, it would make sense for me to meet new people and explore the college life.


Getting high school diploma is great but not all you could achieve in your life. Furthering your education ang getting profession is the most important thing you should consider for your future. It would be kind of scary at first, it would be really hard sometimes, it would take a lot of your time and efforts. But in the end you would be proud to say "I did it". So never give up. Never stop trying. If you can`t do it from the first attempt, try again and you will succeed.


Knowing what I know now, I would advise myself to enjoy the remaining time with family and friends because things become much different upon moving out. I would advise myself to earn and save as much money as possible because in college everything costs money and mom and dad are no longer there to pay for it all. I would also advise myself to prepare to study a lot and take lots of notes.


I’m 25 and have one semester left in my sophomore year. I joined the Navy while still in high school and 17 years old because I didn’t think I could afford college or earn scholarships. “Accelerate your life” sounded like a good promise at the time, but I feel that my decision to enlist postponed my education and took years away from a real career that I truly want. If I could talk to my high school self I would tell myself that I could do what I wanted with my life and not to be afraid that I wouldn’t make it. I would stress the importance of hard work and dedication, promising that it would pay off. I would say that working through college part time may look difficult and intimidating from that perspective, but it’s nothing compared to being active duty in the military. I would tell myself that what is really important in life is other people and that the best way to make a difference in people’s lives is to get educated and to get to work solving society’s problems and building a world that doesn’t need war.


I believe that the best advice that I could give my High School self knowing what I know now is this: Don't be afraid to take risks in order to advance your education. I have found that every endeavor of college life is so cut-throat and competitive, that one needs to be able to put themselves out on the line in order to advance in any way. This is especially true going into such a competitive field as that of Culinary Arts. Every aspect of one's education in the Culinary Arts field is so heavily guarded, that one must expect to be critiqued at the highest standards. Knowing this would never have changed my mind on the decision of enrolling in this curiculum, however, it would have possibly changed my views on high school education, and better prepared me for my college experience.


I would tell myself to work harder but to not let the workload bring you down or stres you out. Give yourself some TLC before you need it and you'll do great


I would tell myself that in college get involved, it will make all of the difference. There are also many resources in school that are avaliable to you, make sure you explore and take advantage of them, besides you are paying for them in you tuition. Get in school spirit go to sporting events, festivals, homecomings etc. Try to studying in the school library you may get more done than you will at home because it will be veeery distracting especially when family is home.


If could go back in time, I would definitely tell myself to find a little more information about all the education out there and what exactly does each college have to offer me for my future as a professional young woman.