California State University-Long Beach Top Questions

What should every freshman at California State University-Long Beach know before they start?


Life is precious, and since life is all we have, we must take time to think of what's missing. Jordan, do you remember all those times you didn't "shine" because you were afraid others would think less of you? Well, remember that everyone in life is trying to figure things out. In order to make right choices you have to build a foundation of morals/ethics. If you have moral standards then it won't matter what everyone else is or isn't doing; you will make your decisions on what's ethical and morally right; even if all your peers are making bad decisions. Also, it is important to recognize that our culture has accepted a sort of pragmatic test for what's right and wrong. If you don't get caught, then its alright (survival of the slickest mentality). However, this mentality is destroying our world. Jordan, you need to mobilize a group of people that will stand up for what is right, and be opposed to what is wrong. In conclusion some things are wrong even if they are never caught up with, and some things are right even when no one is watching.


Keep doing good in your classes and do not let other people influence your decision on what you should do with your future. Do not fall to temptation and just do what makes you happy. Look into college options yourself and do not let teachers and counselors put you down. Do extra work and research every college, not just the ones that your counselors say you have a chance of making it to. Keep pushing yourself and hard word would pay off. Know that true friends will always help out no matter the distance and that the future is bright for you. Pushing yourself harder in tougher classes will prove you are ready for college, and no matter how tough the struggle anything is possible. Do College for yourself first, and parents second. Choose your major wisely. Choose what you like because it interests you, not because of money. Be yourself and you will be happy.


Knowing about college and making the transition from high school, the biggest advice I would give myself would be to not fall for the "every college kid goes through the party phase." My freshman year, I was naive and thought that I was like everyone else and went dancing weekly for six weeks. I made sure that it was a safer choice, so I went to a country, line-dancing bar. After six weeks, seeing the alcohol and overall behavior of my peers, I knew that was not the place for me. Through my experience, I know that NOT every college kid goes through the party phase. I was perfectly fine making my own friends without alcohol or a bar. There are many other venues and options for making friends that do not involve staying up late with an 8am class the next morning. Had I known this, I would have saved myself an incredible amount of time, sleep, sanity, and money.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what I know now about college, I would a lot of information and advice to give to myself. First, I would tell myself to straighten up and get my act together. In my Senior year I kind of goofed off a little bit. Now knowing how hard college is, I surely would not of acted like that. In high school I really did not care about my grades. Now that I am in college, maintaing a B average GPA is all I think about. I would tell my past self that college is no joke. The classes are a lot tougher. You do not get that much one on one interaction with your professors. College is a lot more fast pace. Professors do not hang around on one chapter until you get it. I would tell my self to get a good study habit because there is a lot of studying to be done in only a short amount of time. I would tell myself to get incontrol of my time management. It will most defently come in handy. Also, stay focused.


Going back to high school with some knowledge about college life, I would definitely advise myself to assert more focus toward my classes and push myself to take on more challenging classes. If I had known my major/field in advance, I would advise myself to go to the career center and look for an internship for my major. I would also advise taking courses at a community college for summer school or during the semester and transferring them over once admitted into college. Get ahead of the game and make sure these opportunities are completed for a successful future!


Making the transition from high school to college can be a difficult proccess for many people. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior, I would tell myself to first apply to more colleges so that I would have more choices in the end. Also, I woud tell myself to not be so shy and put myself outside of my comfort zone. Meeting new people is important in college and for shy people, like myself, this can be very difficult.


I would tell myself to become more involved in school activities and socialize more. It is true that college is about doing well academically, but it is also a time to make freinds and gain new experiences. There needs to be a balance between work and fun. Although it is important to maintain a social life, it is also important to stay on top of work so that you dont fall behind in school. Graduating from college happens in a blink of an eye. There will be stress trying to complete assignments on time and there will also be many things thta you will learn academically, but those shouldn't be the only memories you take with you. Life experiences unrelated to school can be just as important and valuable in your life. Basically, you should make the most out of college by doing your best in school, but also enjoying your time there!


I would tell my previous self that I should never be afraid to strive for goals that truly mean something to me. It is important to always head in a direction that you want to go in and not in a direction that someone else may want for you. True happiness comes from working hard and giving your everything to a goal that you have set for yourself. Also, never be disappointed if something does not go your way at first because in the end, if you work hard, you will be victorious. It is important to stay focused and to not lose yourself in enticing activities that are not really you. Stay true to yourself and true to your goals and success will follow.


“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.” So true was this saying by James Dean that I must acknowledge that there are countless things that I would advise myself back in high school. Primarily, it would be the matter of furthering my education. After graduating high school, I proceeded to college for a few semesters then dropped out. Reality was now a truth. I would tell my seventeen year old naive self to hold on tight and keep my feet planted. Education is a gift that will always present itself appealing to one who appreciates it. Additionally, I would also advise myself to get involved with assisting the less privileged citizens of our society. As teenagers, many a times we are not considerate to the difficulties of some, rather, we have this egocentric mentality where we are the only ones residing on the face of this universe. Finally, I would tell myself to be a better son to my parents. I have given them much grief over the years and to remedy that, I would have the best of manners with them.


The transition to college will be a little tough, the classes are harder, the students are different with a more diverse population, and everything will be strange. College can be quite a headache sometimes, with it being more independant, but that freedom is whats great about college. The greatest part about college is that you get to choose all your classes, some will be manditory, but others will actually be fun. So hang in there because the best is yet to come.