From the college experience I've gained a valuble skills, though does not pertain to my education, it does set me up for a well structured adulthood. My eating habits is the skill I learned to control. All types of food become completely available to us, the meal plans contribute to unhealthy eating habits because of the all you care to eat buffet with an open frozen yogurt machine making the healthy food look unappetizing. But eating healthy becomes a lifestyle change that rewards me, not in grades or saving money, but I've gained a sense of self control. It has been valuable to attend CSULB because it has a different diverse set of people that would be hard to find in any other school. The people change my social life to my lifestyle. Just as the people, the school provides different perspectives in displaying the real world such as the blue collar workers aren't much different than a bachelor's degree, the difference pertains on the satisfaction of the life they live, rather than just saying that a person with a degree would be happier because of the more opportunities that they gain with a college degree.
My college experience has been the best years of my life. It has made me a different person, a person who wants to succeed in life. Throughout high school, I didn't care too much for my education, but ever since starting college, I have gained much more than an education. These days, I know that without having a stable present, a stable future cannot be accomplished. College has made me a better, more sophisticated, educated person, and I would never give it up for anything. One can take away everything from me, but will never take away my education.
I have gained the opportunity to learn from the most interesting professors. All of them I could say I have learned a number of things that will continue to help further reach my goal to one day become an optometrist or I may have learned a life lesson that will assist me out in the real world. I have had the chance to gain friends and meet new people; these people who share a common goal to make something of ourselves and strive to get through the semester. I have gained the gift of being educated, a gift that not everyone has the opportunity receive. The United States is a very fortunate country where education is prolific and all children are given equal opportunity to go to college where in some countries, students have to compete or have the funds to attend college. As Americans, we should take advantage of this gift which is truly a blessing to contribute to society and use ourselves to our potential. Why miss out on the opportunity to learn from amazing people, meet someone who could be our roommate or life partner, and accept the possibility to become a prominent figure to our community.
I believe in the power of education; I did not grow up with the belief that I would attend a prestigious institution, or even graduate for the matter. I grew up without a home. The state recognized my brother, my mother and I, as homeless. The opportunity to have a college experience like this one means much more than a possible chance of having a more financially stable lifestyle; California State University Long Beach has provided me with a home. The dormitory is the home I have always hoped for. I have two families now. I am able to study engineering in a safe and prominent environment and this gives me a peace of mind. I can continue to work hard, just as I always have, so that one day, my mother won’t have to. College is valuable in that there are limitless opportunities offered to any and all who are willing to work hard. Education is priceless because it can open up doors for people who are use to having doors closed on them. I value education because it is the stepping stone for me to pull others out of poverty, poverty I am all too familiar with.
The benefits I've attained from attending Cal State Long Beach have been numerous. I've made life-long friends, learned more than I could've imagined, been given amazing job experience and research opportunities, made connections that will be helpful to my future career, and more, and my time here isn't even half completed. Because it is a commuter school in a port city, I've been exposed to many ethnically diverse people and their cultures, and I feel that this experience has given me an appreciation for cultures outside of my own. A very important thing I've taken from my experience is the quality of my education. The classes and programs I'm enrolled in and participate in are of such high caliber, and I take full advantage of the ample resources offered to me as a student to enhance my academic repertoire. The willingness to help students by the faculty and staff is also a note-worthy attribute of Long Beach State because students at other large public universities often do not get the opportunity to personally interact with their professors, which can be a very useful tool.
In high school, procrastination was a deadly disease that was easily overcomed . However in college, I've learned that procrastination is a big NO. With so many classes its important to learn how to manage your time, esspecially since grades are mainly determined by tests.
The most valuable college experience I have gotten is independence. I went into the university fall of 2008 and I immediatley had to learn to live without my parents help all the time. I moved into an apartment with four other girls and the independence kicked in. Just from the new housing situation I learned that not everyone is the same in how they live. I learned to respect others' space and judgements. The college experience has also made me learn the importance of networking. I have learned a lot from many different people and keeping in contact with them is always a great thing. College also has many valuable resources like advisors and counselors that can help you at virtually any time you need them. I was very undecided about what to major in and what I wanted to do with my life but the advisors and career center have helped me out. I'm now confident in my studies and am even planning to study abroad this year to expand my world view and network some more. College is valuable to attend because you have the beginning of the world at your feet.
Despite the fact only one semester has finished I have gained multiple social and academic skills. By interacting with my fellow peers I've learned about another form of respect and unity. No matter what major others may want the both of us still have a desire for success as we achieve a higher education. Through a series of study groups and tutoring sessions I have enhanced my study techniqes. Completing college is extremely essential to me becase it is the key to achieving my long term goals as a Criminal/Civil Justice Lawyer.
My college experience has been one of a kind. I am extremely happy with the environment my college provides to me. I have met a lot of different people from different places and cultures. I have learned to be responsible with my schoolwork because now I have to be the one driving myself to school and I buy my school supplies and books. I see how much school costs and I am trying my hardest to succeed in my school work. I see how education is very valuable and I am applying to this scholarship to achive my educational goals.
The main thing that sets California State University, Long Beach apart and made it so valuable to attend is the vast amount of opportunities it has to offer. There are countless clubs and student organizations to choose from. My experiences in some of them furthered and diversified my knowledge including joining a group of researchers in the Costa Rican rainforest in the summer, playing in the concert band, taking a fencing class, joining the Christian organization the Navigators, being involved in the American Society of Civil Engineering and joining the concrete canoe team, where I researched lightweight concrete and collaborated with a team, which I eventually led as captain, and was able to see my own design progress from a humble AutoCAD drawing to a 20 foot buoyant boat. Through these experiences I have made many friends and been through countless invaluable events that have shaped me into the person I am today.