California State University-Long Beach Top Questions

What should every freshman at California State University-Long Beach know before they start?


Being in college has given me a taste of the real world. To some extent I still have a lot of support, but I'm a lot more independent than I used to be. I've learned I'm not as big of an intellectual as I thought, and that I have so much to learn and discover. Ive met so many different people, from different places around the world. Ive gained friendships that have the potential to be forever. I cant imagine not being in college. Its so valuable because it opens your eyes to a new world; talking to my college friends is miles different than my non-college friends. Its valuable is a scholarly sense, but it has just made me so much more aware of the world around me and parts Ive never even thought about. I look forward to the years to come.


My college experience was extraordinary and I wouldn't change a thing about it. It was exciting, challenging, intimidating, exhilirating, memorable, but most of all it was a learning experience. Colllege was my first opportunity to act as an adult, make my own decisions that directly affected myself, and indirectly affected my family and loved ones. I learned to become more responsible and also the meaning of self-discipline. Throughout high school I was always involved in school organizations. Going to a school with more than 30,000 was intimidating at first, but I knew the only way to get the whole college experience would be to be as actively involved in student organizations as I was in my academics, just like I did in high school. It was important for me to not only learn the material, but also make connections with individuals who I would later become my network in a professional environment. Because of my college experience, specifically at Long Beach State, I was able to accomplish the goals I set for myself and continue to strive for excellence and lifelong learning.


I have learned a lot in the classroom setting from my professors and even more from the students in my class during group discussions and projects. I am and Interior Architectural Design major and the support system of the students in my department really give me inspiration and drive. I spend most of my free time on projects for class at home and on campus after class hours. During this time we learn and teach eachother drawing techniques, shortcuts and how to apply our skills in the real world. We discuss our hardships from the drop in economy and the stress of school and work. The study and work enviornment on campus is where I learn the most about me as a person and about the world outside myself; and that to me is just as valuable as the education I am getting from my professors.


Thus far in my college experience, I have developed further appreciation of my opportunity to achieve success in an education and career through my school. In addition, I have regained enthusiasm for learning and discovering enriching experiences that college provides. In today's world, ultimately college education is vital to ensure I can make my way through the world and thrive. College will allow me to benefit those around me as well as myself as I become well-rounded and better informed.


The college experience is like no other experience you can possibly have. It is a feeling of adulthood and responsibility. For most people, it is the first time they are away from home. You have to do every thing for yourself. There is noone to wake you up in the morning for class, noone to tell you when to go to sleep or when to study. You have to know and decide what is right for yourself if you want to suceed in school and in life. The college experience taught me a lot about life and myself. I realized that life is not as easy as a lot of people make it look. College taught me that you have to work for everything you have and everything you want. Nothing is just given to you. College is a place where you make a connection with people from all over the world. And the people you meet in college just may be people you see and need in the future. College is not to be taken for granted. It is an opportunity to better yourself that many people do not get.


I truly understand how important it is to have an education after having to take two educational leaves due to financial issues. It has taught me that I am able to survive on my own, even if I miss my family every second. I will do anything it takes for what I love and to stay determined no matter what challenges arise. College is much like the stars, when looking at them, you cannot help but feel insignificant, as well as extremely significant all at once. I found a purpose to my life. I know what I want to do, who I want to become, how I wish to live my life and how I will get there. As my favorite quote says: "If you are, you breath. If you breath, you talk. If you talk, you ask. If you ask, you think. If you think, you search. If you search, you experience. If you experience, you learn. If you learn, you grow. If you grow, you wish. If you wish, you find. If you find, you doubt. If you doubt, you question. If you question, you understand. If you understand, you know. And if you know, you are alive".


I grew up not knowing a single thing about college and how college worked. No one in my family had attended college or even graduated from high school, but I was determined to achieve a higher education to better myself and help my parents prosper while being a good role model for my two younger brothers. Graduating from high school, and getting accepted to Cal State Long Beach was the best thing I have accomplished yet, and having my parents as my personal cheerleaders leading me on, has made my first year of college an exciting journey. Attending CSULB has opened many doors and allowed me to share my experiences with my brothers, in hopes that they will also value education. I have met numerous people from various ethnicities and created friendships that last, while creating study groups with many nice people I encountered. I have learned to value education from my parents status and observations, and I am grateful for having the possibility to attend college as I hope to provide a better life for my family and my future family while value the dream of graduating with a bachelors in criminal justice, and break the drop out tradition.


So far out of my college experience, I have grown in my major, improved on many things about myself in general, and enjoyed my time attendng. Teachers are so helpful and they give me ways to succeed in my future, and with this support I see so many more possibilities of what to do. In addition I have met alot of people that are helpful and good company as well. I am able to be more well rounded in my studies and I have joined a club (ASU) that makes me much more conscious in myself and my background. Along with this I have already experienced fun basketball games with the Monson Maiacs, and worked at the Queen Mary for Halloween! With all the things to do at CSULB, I look forward to the next year to see what else I can get into. So what I can say about my experience is so far, I have gotten nothing but assistance, learning experiences, and improvement in myself really. Oh can't forget fun!


Out of my college experience i have gained knowledge and friendships that will last a life time.


I have learned so much, not only from the course information given, but also from the people giving them and taking them. The teachers and students provide different outlooks and experiences that have helped me gaining a stronger sense of self. I think that if I did not attend college right out of high school and waited, my life would be drastically different. I would not have had to opportunity to grow as an individual or as a student. Cal State Long Beach has helped me in deciding what I want to do with my life and what I don't. In attending this school, and graduating in the future, I am able to give back to my family and repay them for everything they have done for me. This is why I am in college and why it is so valuable to attend.