California State University-Long Beach Top Questions

What should every freshman at California State University-Long Beach know before they start?


If I could talk to my high school self, I would tell her to be more ambitious! I spent a lot of time taking classes I did not need and having semsters with less than 12 units. I was dreaming small back then, only wanting associate's degrees, whereas I am now going towards a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. The biggest thing I would tell myself would be to make up your mind! College is taking me a lot longer because I was undecided for over 2 years.


Dear High School Self, Congratulations on making it this far. You still have a while to go though. Be sure not to procrastinate and remember that your parents are your friends even though sometimes it may not seem like it. I suggest you tell your parents that you are gay before things go any further, they are going to love you no matter what and the sooner you tell them the better. Stay in school! Do not waste any time, go straight to college, it does not get easier after a break. Once you get a job you will start liking the money and what feels like liberty that comes with it, do not let it take over. Take your time trying to grow up, there is truly no rush. I know it seems like the older people are making it up but they are right. Believe me. Stop with the medical classes, you are not going to enjoy watching people die, go to business instead, you like it a lot better. Finally, good luck. I know you can do everything you set your mind to, just do not procrastinate. Sincerely, Future you.


If I could go back and give my high school self advice, I would recommend a few things. First and foremost, I would advise myself to learn what study techniques were effective for me. I would also advise myself not to procrastinate and to invest in a planner, as time management is a large part of success in college. I would tell myself not to get caught up in partying; it's okay to let loose and have fun, but it shouldn't get in the way of what you're really there for. I would recommend that I utilize whatever services were available, be it tutoring, counseling, career services - that's what tuition is paying for; take advantage of it! Mostly, though, I would advise myself to wait to go to university until I was ready. Only when you're ready and want to be there will you succeed.


Priscilla, you are a hard-working, passionate, and driven young lady. Continue to work and study hard, and make good grades. College is challenging, and much will be required of you. Late nights, long hours of endless study, and grueling exams will come with being a college student. Establish good habits and proper health-care patterns now while you are still in high school and it will make the transition into college manageable. Also, learn how to properly deal with stress. Stress can be the undoing of even the brightest students. An individual’s mental health is arguably their most valuable asset and it must be given the utmost care and respect. Stress can break students down; it can ruin the college experience. Learn to breathe. Take deep breaths and focus on one thing at a time. Focus on the subject at hand. If you are attempting a fifteen page paper, focus on one page at a time. Rise to the occasion, but remember, the college education is a four-year-long marathon; it is not a sprint. Train properly for the race, and I guarantee you will win. Good luck!


The advice that I would give to my high school senior self is to take chances and get out of your comfort zone. Entering college is a scary thing. It can be lonely, intimidating, and really different from what you have been accustomed to your whole entire life. If you don't take the chances that are given to you, you're going to miss out on a lot of opportunities such as new friends, clubs, new interests. If you don't take the chances, you're going to be stuck with "what if's" and it may be too late to take the chance. Take the chances while you can because once you become a junior/senior you might be too busy/late to ever have the "college life" and if your too afraid to take the chances, it might make your transition into college harder than it should be.


If I could go back and give myself advice about college I would tell myself to work harder now so that I could enjoy college a little bit more. However now that I think about it I’m glad I had all my fun in high school because now I am extremely focused on my career and my course work.That’s the thing about life; you can’t go back and give yourself advice you have to just go for it. However you can look back and learn from your mistakes but if you never make a mistake then you will never learn any lessons. I have found that every time I try to plan my life out to the minuet details something always ends up different. Right now I’m very happy with the way things are going. I adore that young naive girl who thought she knew everything in high school. She’s a part of me and she taught me so many valuable lessons. She had such a light spirit and was ready for anything that came her way. Its amazing how much can change in a few years let alone a year.


Freddie you better see this thing all the way out to the end. Dont let hope go in this world. you will grow to be great :)


Looking back and thinking about the person I was back in high school seems very surreal. Although high school was only four short years ago, the person I was then is so much different than who I am today. The advice I would give to myself would be concentrated on academia, dedication, and time management. During my high school years the most important aspect of my life was soccer. I would advise myself that soccer is not my only responsibility. A balance between school and soccer would provide maximum benefits. I would guide myself to have an equal dedication for soccer and academia. I would tell myself to manage my time appropriately to meet both academic and sports milestones. There are many things I know now that I wish I knew in my past. Although my decisions may have not been ideal in my past, I do believe that I would not be who I am today without my mistakes I have made. Today, I am truly happy in my life. I have chosen a career path that I believe fits me perfectly. I do not think I would be this accomplished had I lived my life another way.


I would tell myself, "Paige, I know that applying for scholarships isn't your ideal way of spending your free time, but you NEED to do it! College isn't cheap and every year the prices of tuition seem to go up. I know you don't understand right now because you haven't started pulling out loans yet, but when you do you're going to wish you had taken scholarships more seriously! Also, appreciate these last few months that you have with your mom, your brother, and your cat. You're about to make a huge move to California; you're going to miss them more than anything. Make sure you cherish every moment that you have with them, and thank your mom for raising you to be the successful young lady you are. Without her, you wouldn't have this opportunity. Lastly, just have fun. You're growing up, and your life is really about to begin now. Enjoy every moment."


Like most poor decisions we make in our lives, we wish we could go back and tell ourselves to do something different. In my senior year of high school, I was extremely depressed after discovering that my boyfriend of three years had cheated on me. Instead of being focused on finding a college, I was tangeled in drama and anger. I kept telling myself "I will apply for scholarships tomorrow." Unfortunately, 'tomorrow' never seemed to come. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself that all the anger and hurt is not worth it. Happiness is not going to be handed to me on a silver platter. After all, happiness is a choice. I can either choose to be happy, or choose to be miserable. Life is not going to get any better by sitting around waiting for something to change. I am the change and I am most definately the difference in my own life. I am in control of where my life leads me. Moving on to bigger and better things starts and ends with me. I owe it to myself to be the best that I can possibly be and accomplish my goals.