Claflin University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Claflin University know before they start?


visit the school before you decide to attend


My advice to parents and students is to do research on the school. Spend a weekend or weekday on the campus to get a feel of the campus.


make sure you do college tours and receive as much information about the colleges that you are considering. Get the most out of the college experience and will be your most memorable years of your life. Concencerate on your academics but also have a social life and network with people. Gain a relationship with all your professors, advisors, and counselors they will be the people that you are able to talk to if you have problems and use them as references. Education is very important so take it serious, you don't want your money to go to waste. Parents need to be very supportive emotionally as well as finiancially, college can be very hard on some students and having a supportive team will make your college experience a good one.


Allow the student to visit numerous colleges in state as well out of state. It will be wise to began as soon as possible, but be sure it is no later than their sophomore year of highschool. Lead and guide the student, but allow them to be the one to make the final decsion, considering they will be the one attending the university /community college. In regards to "making the most of the college experience," expose the student to different safe, fun and informative activities that occurs on various college campuses. This will allow the student to have an idea of what college life is like and what fits them. This will also give the student insight on what they would like to be apart of and can look forward to.


Chose the college that fits your personality. Have the time of your life at school. Make new friendships because it only last four years but friendship. It is also a clean slate for you if you didn't well in high school.


Yes, college is about getting an eduacation, but do not forget that your child also deserves a great educational and SOCIAL experience. When it comes to the college's prestige, do some research to validate what the administration is telling you. Also go visit to see the surrounding area to see if it is fitting for you. Then, allow your child to spend a weekend at the school to see if they will be able to enjoy their time at the school. (Most times when a student is wanting to leave an institution, it is because they are not enjoying their social time.) In most cases, students do not spend a lot of their days in classes, it is more so spent in the dorm or "on the yard". Another tip would be to check the main administrative offices to make sure your child can handle the business required to move forward between semesters. The best indicator on knowing whether you picked the best institution would be receiving very few calls on problems going on within the school. Last but not least, never shy away from asking a student or students about the good and bad things about their institution.


Don?t rush! That would be my advice to any parents and/or students seeking the perfect institution. Everything that glitters is not gold?a lot of Universities will make empty promises to draw students. Do your research and weigh your options. Do you prefer a small setting compared to a university with 12,000 or 25,000 students? Take your time and start looking early.


Consider how much the current students are focused their educational and career goals, what is the school duing to help undecided students find their career interests, and how much support does the school provide towards assisting families with financial aid when scholarship and grant money doesn't cover the cost of tuition.


I would advise parents and students to make sure they research the schools and its surroundings. Also make sure the school has the programs they want for their children.


Dont just go off what people tell you ABOUT the school. Do your research. It well help, you dont want to be at i school cuz you heard something but is totally different look for your self. if you know you do better in small crowds go to a small college. Base where you want to go off your pesonailty.