Claflin University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Claflin University know before they start?


Make sure the distance is acceptable and also the cost.


Finding the right college can be difficult for some people. There are many things you need to consider when deciding what school is best for you. When choosing your school you should first ask yourself do you want to be at a small or large campus? A person should also consider what type of environment they would prefer to be located? The distance from one's family is another important factor to consider when deciding what school is the best choice. Research and visit campuses to see which best fit the desciption of your idea(s) of a good school. Read to see how academically well the school is as a whole and talk with an alumni or someone who is currently attending that school. Another important factor would be to check to see the crime or violence rate that is at or around the school. My best advice to someone who is trying to decide what school is best for them is to take time to research and find all the answeres to all of your questions. Remember knowledge is the key.


The best advice that I would give parents and students would be to find a college that makes the student happy. This means that the college has a strong program in what the student wants to study. It also means that the school has the constuctive extracurricuar activities that the student wants to take part in. The school also has to be in the environment that the student wants to attend college (i.e. rural, city setting, etc.) and has to be the right size for the student (i.e. large, small, etc.). To sum it up, when searching for the right college the focus has to be on the student's preferences because they are the ones who have to got to that school.


The advice I would give to students is look for a school has the major that you want , activities you are interested in, make sure your school have accredition and safety. Parenta make the school is a great value for your money, make sure your children have safe dorms to live in, and also pay attention to where the school is located.


It is really up to the students dislikes and likes. So for the student, make sure when you look into a certain college it is what you expect and want. While searching for the right college students try to involve your parents, because whether you like it or not they have a say to where you want to go to a certain extent. But it is nice to have your parents interaction, because you are going to need them while you are there. My advice for the parents is to try not to be so hard, but clear in what you want for your child and understanding. Try to reason with them because they are young adults going into the world just needing your advice, support and most of all your love.


First, decide what kind of experience you're looking for--not just the size or the educational programs offered, but also, the type of communtiy you want to immerse yourself in. What instiution will best reflect who you are and steer you toward the future you've envisioned? Then start searching for schools that fit the bill. Even then, it helps to be open-minded. Go to college fairs, look around. I had no idea that my school existed before I went to a college fair. Now, my sophomore year, I realize I wouldn't be happier anywhere else. Once you make your decision and arrive on campus, leave that open-minded spirit intact. Don't be afraid to talk to your roommate (at this stage, he/she is likely your only friend), sit with strangers in the caf, or just hang out in the student center. From there, look around. There will probably be dozens of mulicolored flyers around campus, organizations vying for your attention. Join a club or two, but not just one's you're used to; appease your curiosity. Try new things and relax into the change. Keep your head in the books, but enjoy yourself!