College of Charleston Top Questions

Describe the students at College of Charleston.


I can't think of any student that would feel left out at C of C. Yet, within my two years here, I have noticed that there is a type of student "perfect"for C of C. The majority of our students are out-going and independent. Since over 11,000 students applied to C of C this past year, and only some 2500 students were accepted, we, students at C of C, do tend to be the students that were leaders and presidents at our previous schools. We are a generally outspoken campus. Students are assuredly politically aware. With the campaigns running rampid, we've had John McCain, Barack Obama, John Edwards, and Ron Paul visit our campus. The majority of students are predominantly left, with a conservative background.


My freshmen year, I lived with three randomly assigned girls, and we were all very different. My roommate was an african american who was a junior, and one of my suitemates was a "hippie" from Asheville NC, and the other was a girl who loved to party from NJ, and I was the quiet southern girl who ended up going greek. Oddly enough though, we all lived together wonderfully even though we were all VERY different, and are still close friends to this day. We have a huge number of organizations representing almost every religious/racial/political group you could think of on campus. I would say there is a good bit of student interaction from different groups on campus, and I don't feel that there is any one student who would feel out of place at CofC. Most students either wears jeans and a polo/t-shirt or sweatpants/comfy shorts and a t-shirt/sweatshirt to class, it is very casual. Most CofC students are from SC, but we also have a large portion from all over the country, especially from up north. I would say the upper middle class/rich students are mostly represented here, especially since this isn't the cheapest out of state school to go to. Students are very politically aware on campus, and I would say we have more liberals than conservatives here.