Coming from an upper middle class almost all white community and going to the college of charleston was a bit of a swing. Although the majority of kids who do go there are just like me, I realized that there is in fact still racial tension going on in the south that I had no idea about in Washington. Although I still have friends from every racial background, the majority of kids in the same race will still hang out with each other. The people who are rich will show it off with monogramed designer, and the people from the lower class will try their hardest to cover it up by getting the knock-off.
CofC is maybe not the most racially diverse school, and it is also majority female. But I love how there seem to be groups or activities for EVERYONE. Politically people tend to think CofC leans toward more liberal political views, but in reality, majority of people at the college are from the south and most southerners won't stray from their conservative views. It does get expensive to attend CofC once you encounter dorm expenses, meal plans, etc.; so sometimes I feel like it is predominantly middle-upper class students that attend, basing that on the appearance of quite a bit of students.
Every school will always have certain social cliques because that's how humans work; however, the activities and clubs provided by the campus encourage accepting and liberal points of view. Since the college is located in the south then the majority of students are from the south, but it is not a conservative campus. Everyone is friendly and welcoming.
CofC's student body is predominantly female. Sororities and fraternities are very popular and a great way to meet other students. The students come from varied backgrounds and reflect a good mix of racial, religious, and socio-economic diversity.
very political, either very left or very right. recycling is big, hot sopt for presidential candidates. if not in greek life, most people mix with other groups
My experiences with diversity on campus are pretty vast. We are becomming more and more accepting of all groups of people. Racially, white females are definitely the most prominent group with white males right behind that. We don't have a huge minority group, but are slowly diversifying. Students wear comfortable clothes to class. PJ bottoms are not rare. Flip flops are the shoes of choice. T-shirts and jeans are quite common. Some students dress up occasionally, and no one looks at them any different. I would say many of the students are well-off finacially, but not all of them. Many students pay their own way through school, including myself. Students seem very politically aware. We have a very active Student Government Association. This semester we had Edwards, Obama, Kerry, and McCain among others all visit the school. Their speeches were very well attended and talked about afterward.
Everyone is very nice and laidback. The stereotypical "preppy" or "snobby" sorority girls are just as nice as the rest of the girls, and the guys are wicked chill. I feel so comfortable talking to a sorority girl, sailor, or biology student. People are all different, but equally friendly. For the most part, people are middle class and live comfortable lives. There are always groups to get involved in. I would definitely say that the students are aware of politics and current issues. There are clubs for various interests and people have a great time with things they become involved with.
People aren't that into sports and typical school pride, but everyone is proud of the school because of the awesome social aspects
students are awesome! everyone seems to be chill and relaxed. we are so close to the beach we all just go and relax on the wknds in the warm weather and hang inside during our crazy storm seasons. very involved student campus. we like to be involved in things nation wide, state wide, or just locally. great interactions with students and teachers as well as our pres.
College of Charleston is comprised of many different groups, including LGBT, African Americans, sorority/fraternity types, and many GDIs. I think that a Hispanic student would feel most out of place on campus. Most students wear comfortable clothes (lots of sweatpants and athletic gear), but students also like to look nice for class. One common accessory for all students is usually a pair of flip flops. I think that there is a healthy interaction between students of different groups; College of Charleston is essentially a big melting pot of students of all races, ethnicities, areas of the country, and sexual orientation. Most C of C students are from South Carolina, although there is a large portion from Maryland, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.