I feel like there is a great deal of diversity at C of C. College is a place were cliques are out the window. People that didn't hang out in high school because of popularity order end up becoming best friends in college. This college has a place for everyone.
There is a huge mix of students that come to CofC. There are alot of those that grew up in South Carolina and if you grew up here you feel a certain kinship with other people that did as well. I think that makes it easier for those from South Carolina to adjust to Charleston and campus as freshman. Then there are alot of people from up North; New York, New Jersey, Conneticut, ect. I have several friends from up North and they have said that it is very hard to adjust to the differences between living down here verses at home. I can't even imagine going to school up North, I'm a southern girl born and bred! Of course, the biggest drawback about being a woman student at CofC in the lack of men. I think that ratio right now is something like 4:1. So it can be hard to meet guys here. There are alot of girls that dress in the typical "Charleston attire", which usually consists of Lilly dresses, or something Lacoste, with Jack Rogers and pearls. This is a very broad generalization, but it is also very true. Alot of girls at CofC pride themselves on their appearance and dress to a T even if just going to class. It might sound snobby to say, but we do have alot of attractive people that go to school here. With the beautiful weather, so many people are active in outdoor activities. We also have a very prominant "stoner, hippie" group of people that go to CofC. We are a liberal arts college and that shows. "Stoner, Hippie" is also a big generalization, but that is the only way that I can think of to classify those people. I am involved in a sorority, but being Greek isn't a huge part of being a student at CofC and I have alot of non greek friends. It's easy to meet people in Charleston if you try and overall, I think we have a great mix of different types of people that attend our school. Everyone can find their niche somewhere.
I found the student body at the C of C to be quite diverse. There are students from all over the place.
going with the idea the cofc is a city's school - there are numerous different types of people to make up that city -- there may be a few groups that are a far bit more identifiable (the southern belles with there monograms - or the guys basket ball players, who's heads you can see far above the crowds ) but it seems to me that people with similar interests gravitate towards each other through classes, dorm life, or other activities.
I am an active member in a religious group, and my experience has been awesome! There is really no kind of student that would feel out of place on campus. Everyone is pretty much friends with everyone. If you isolate yourself, then yes, you will be left out. But it is hard to do that with all of the different groups that you can join. Most students wear casual clothes. You have some students that love to dress up for class, and then there's that small population that just roll out of bed and come to class. Different types of students do interact, but you usually see the same type of people hanging out with the same type of people. The four tables in the lunch room: sorority sisters, african american, theater kids, and then the other kids that don't really care what people think of them. Most C of C students are from the north I have noticed. Financial backgrounds that are most prevalent are usually upscale. Yes! students are politically aware and active! Most students that attend the college of charleston are liberal, but that doesn't mean that everyone is liberal. Most students do talk about how much they will earn one day, if that topic does come up in typical conversation.
Honestly the school is not very diverse; there are blacks on campus, and they generally hang out together in their own groups, and there are some, but not many Asians and Hispanics. There do seem to be a lot of foreign exchange students, which is cool. It seems like most students are either from South Carolina or from up north (namely Maryland, Ohio, and New York).
There is so much going on around campus; there are clubs and organizations for just about every cause! Alliance for planet earth is currently pushing for the installation of solar panels and other greening procedures in the new buildings. The first Thursday of every month is house of representatives; an event where all student organization presidents meet to discuss their clubs current activities and ways that clubs could work together to cosponsor on campus events and get students involvd. The student body is extremely unified. Students are politically aware and very active. The great thing about CofC is that students represent a variety of political backgrounds from the oober liberal to the oober conservative, and moderate inbetween. The college of charleston has a spanish house, a french house, a women and gender studies house, as well as 2 streets of sorority and fraternity houses. This enables students to engross themselves in a specific lifestyle and mongle with people who have similar ideas and passion as they do (in the language houses students are only allowed to speak that house's language; the womena dn gender studies house is a perfect environment for budding feminists/w&gs minors). About 75{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of students are in state, but there are another 25{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} from all over the country and the world (I know a variety of exchange students spanning from Osaka Japan to France to West Africa).
cofc is a very diverse school. it would be very hard to feel out of place at cofc because there is something for everyone. most students wear jeans and a tshirt to class, however, there is the occasional girl who is decked out in make up with their hair perfect. while most cofc students are from south carolina and other southern states, i have a lot of friends from up north who came to charleston for the warm weather.
I haven't experienced any racial, religious, etc. problems. Most C of C students are tolerant and accepting. This isn't high school. No one would feel out of place at the College and I see students from different backgrounds and ages interacting often. Students at the College are politically active but not in an overwhelming way. There have been a few demonstrations here and there but I can't remember any violence. There are always fundraisers and the like.