many of the guys are gay (or dress like it)
many of the girls are annoying and sort of "cheerleader/camp counselor"--which highly annoys me.
CofC is predominately a white school. There are a very small number of other ethnicities.
There is however, a very diverse group of people at the College. You've got everyone from jocks to nerds to theater kids to Greeks...its just like high school in that respect. Financially, people are also very diverse. I'm friends with people who have lived in a trailer as well as people who own their own plane.
There is no excuse for not finding anyone you click with. There are so many different, interesting, and wonderful students here, it would be very hard NOT to find someone to be your friend. Most people are really laid back,friendly and approachable.
NOT ENOUGH DIVERSITY!! College really needs to work on attracting minorities, especially from the Charleston area. I am not a minority but I was very disappointed by the lack of concern for diversity at the College. I feel that this really damages its image as a University
Egh... again, most kids more into partying than studying and I often found my own values of college education being laughed at. Many serious religious fanatics but many liberal students as well. The combo is a little awkward and I don't really think that the diversity makes ANYONE open-minded but it does allow you to meet who you want to. Again, many different types of students-- young and old, prissy and not, religious and atheistic, stoner and uptight prick, et cetera.
The student body is fairly diverse, but white females definitely dominate. Someone who is looking for a big, party school, with lots of exciting activities (sports, fraternities, clubs) would not be happy at CofC.
predominantly white. Both liberals and conservatives found all over
white, upper middle to upper class... which means that most are right wingers. But there is a good mix
tries to be diverse, but not very. groups don't really intermingle. large student body, but i still feel like i know everyone.
To my knowledge there is not a huge LGBT community; I'm not sure of exact percentages but I'd say it is mostly a white campus. In a 25 person class I will sometimes have 1 or 2 black students, sometimes none. The male/female ratio is absolutely appalling: 40:60{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. Most CofC students are from in-state but the College seems to be growing in the people it attracts. It is not the easiest college to get into (especially for out of state) and those requirements are only increasing in difficulty, so the kids who go to the college are generally smart kids in the tops of their classes. Political activity is high on campus, especially with it being an election year, and all political ideologies are represented. As it is a city and also a liberal arts college, there are a lot of leftist attitudes, but the conservative South is prominent as well.
The student body is relatively diverse. But there is a noticeable amount of white females. Many, but not all, choose to join sorroities, which are all located on campus. There are many extracurricular activities to take part in in Charleston. There are numerous restaurants and bars within walking distance of the college and one of the major retail areas of Charleston runs along the road adjacent to the college.