College of Charleston Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at College of Charleston accurate?


Only the drugs.


yes, most of the time




Not at all. We like to have fun but we get our work done and we enjoy learning.


some what


No. We do have a lot of school spirit. Although our school lacks a football team.. we take pride in other sports on campus. Our baseball and basketball teams are very good and have a huge fan base! Although their is a higher girl to guy ratio on campus, I never feel like I am always surrounded by girls. There are plenty of boys on campus and off.


Hardly! I was so worried before school began, but after finishing my freshman year I learned first-hand that the party-life is not the central focus of the majority of the students. I heard so many times something along the lines of, "There's a party going on tonight that I really want to go to, but I have to study..." Good grades are important to most of the students I know, and while they do go to parties, they try to keep their priorities in order. Balance is key in anything! I also met a surprising number of fellow students who choose to abstain from drugs and alcohol.


Although I can't say for certain about the male/ female ratio, It did feel like I was surrounded by girls (lucky for the guys). I will also that a majority of the people I met at the college were definately in the high income bracket. Although it not too terribly to attend the school, it is expensive to live in Downtown Charleston, which I guess explains why you kinda need money to go there. I also met people from all over the country there, but most of them were southern.




People here party a lot just like they do at every other college campus. The warm weather and beach nearby adds a fun atmosphere that contribute to the party scene.