Hippies and surfers... not all of us. The girls.... yes, we are all pretty pretty. Guys.... there are very few 4:1 ratio (I think)
Somewhat. I don't party and drink every single week; usually every other week or every two weeks. So I think that I probably notice the partying more than someone that goes out two, three or more nights a week. I do think that the students here like to have a good time, the fabulous weather makes it really, really hard to go to class when you would rather go to the beach! Also, I think that students get back as much as they put in at CofC. Yes, Charleston it a wonderful city and a lot of fun, but you just have to know how to handle your classes, homework, maybe job AND going out and having fun. It works for some people and not for others.
Kind of. It's really whatever you want it to be. If you want to party alot, then you can. But there's also a crowd that's really into just the academics. Just find your place.
lots of parties - yes - but hard work too
and i've only gotten to the beach once - so no
C of C is not neccessarily a party school. Every school is going to be a party school. The sororities, on the other hand, I believe are accurate for some of them.
Yes and no... there are a lot of girls, but there are a lot of guys too (just not necessarily in all the classes); a lot of partying goes on, but it is easy to avoid
No, I don't think so. I feel that the students here, at least the majority of them, are here to work hard and get a serious education; not here just to party and live it up. However, there are those folks who make the rest of us look bad, so I don't know if I'd go as far as saying that the stereotypes are completely false.
A quick look around any student parking lot or garage will prove that many students are not struggling. Overall though, I believe that the typical student experience can be found here because many students do work to pay their own way. The downtown area offers a multitude of employment choices for students from tour guides and restaurant staff to retail clerks and valet parking attendants. Anyone who frequents restaurants, hotels, and tourist attractions downtown can see the college student presence.
The Greek system is the same as it always was and is similar to the system in any other Southern school. Delusionally inflated egos exist in both sororities and fraternities but there are many exceptions so don't right them all off. If you plan to stay in Charleston after graduation, the connections made in the fraternity/sorority made prove useful in future employment/promotions because many graduated Greeks never truly grow up and base life altering decisions on trivial matters such as fraternity/sorority membership in college.
Yes is a strong attraction to the beach for many students, and yes they may make irresponsible decisions in pursuit of temporary fun/pleasure. But also realize that many students do not grow up near beaches, so it can be a huge temptation in the early fall and late spring semesters to take advantage of this. Also there are no more drugs/drinking than any other college.