College of Charleston Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at College of Charleston accurate?


stereotypes are never accurate. we all have our own unique perspective which mearly adds to the overall flavor of C of C life


sometimes yes, and no






Okay, so there are quite a number of people at C of C that wear giant pearls and polos but certainly not everyone. There is a thriving greek life on campus, but it's not the only way to have a social life. Our school doesn't have a lot of ethnic diversity, but it does have a lot of geographic diversity. There are a ton of out of state students, which helps diversify a bit. As for it being a southern, conservative school, that doesn't hold true at all. It's a pretty liberal campus, like most colleges, and because there are so many out of staters, it's not that southern.


Originally I didn't want to go because of that. I soon realized though that there is always going to be a party in college and it ends up being what you make of it. There are plenty of people that don't party and plenty of people that do, and plenty of people that are happy mediums in between the two. You can always find what you are looking


Sadly, the female stereotype is true in many cases. The College is trying very hard to break free from its party school reputation by cracking down on alcohol in freshman dorms and parties near campus.


It's very true that the classes are challenging. You definely have to follow the 2 hours of studying for every class hour, if not more, if you want to succeed. The other steroeotype, that everyone stresses out around exam time, is not true though. If you take advantage of the opportunities the college offers, you can actually find exam time to be fun. They have free food practically every day of exam week, relaxation events, concerts, games, and a bunch of other cool stuff. The advice I can give to ensure that you don't break down is to form a study group right away the beginning of the semester and study with those people continuously throught it (not just the night before the exam). For finals you only get one reading day to study, so don't wait till the last minute to do so.


Id say that a lot of the campus is very southern and preppy. But there is also a lot of skateboarders and people that are extremely friendly and generous.


Not exactly. There's just as much partying at CofC as at any other college and there are a lot of out-of-state students and plenty of sorority girls. But the great thing about Charleston is if you don't want to party every weekend, there's other stuff to do. And if you don't like sorority girls, don't join a sorority, they're not too hard to avoid. A lot of people don't realize that CofC is actually an excellent school academically--there's a great Honors College program and it has a pretty high average SAT score.