There's more than just preppy, stuck up kids to meet. There is a large group of kids that are creative and open minded. There is a lot of drinking and 60{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the kids smoke cigarretes. The school is getting much more challenging and because of that more and more intelligent kids are being accepted. Fraternities and sororities aren't that big of a deal if you don't want to be a part of it. There are a lot of superficial girls.
1. College of Charleston students are laid back, we may even tip over, but the truth is our student body is involved, aware, concerned, and constantly trying to improve the community (both locally and globally) through service projects, awareness campaigns, fund raisers, and outreach.
2. Yes, it is true that there are students that fit those stereotypes, but there are many more who have individual style, unique interests and inquisitions that are reflected in their appearance. The student body is intriguing in its diversity of spirit and upbringing.
3. Because CofC is a liberal arts school nestled into the same peninsula as a military college and medical university it is tempting to say CofC is the 'easy' college. This, however, is not the case. Academics at the College are incredible, challenging, perplexing, and, beyond expectation, the professors entice students to consider the world by posing questions and ideas that shatter preconceived notions. Here, at the College of Charleston, you learn how to define where you stand in the world by being exposed to opinions, thoughts, and beliefs other than your own.
Its not very snobby but otherwise yes
there's no way to escape cliques so certain people do ban together, but for the most part they are incorrect. Certainly the sorority stereotypes are the ones that get the most out of control and i know my sorority is not very stereotypical so...
Somewhat. There are a lot of girls, but most people are really friendly, independent, and hard working.
for the most part yes. students just like anywhere else sometimes do the min. to get by but with all the other things going on sometimes it is hard to give 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. Students are very friendly and you dont feel unconfortable in any class.
Well, any college that you go to you will find a large group of people who party. However, I never encountered people who partied so much that they couldn't get up to come to class or any of that other stuff you hear about. Also, I didn't go to one single party the entire year!